chapter 4

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Kara's p.o.v
3 months' time jump 

I miss Lena so much that I only go to work and save people late at night and when I get home I start drinking until I pass out. I don't know how to do it without her. She meant everything to me, she was the reason I got up in the morning and did everything I did. Now I'm just a lost superhero who has no idea of what she should do with herself.

it is currently 10 a.m. and I am still in my bed. I hear someone knocking on the door and I hope that if I don't respond, the person will just go away but on the contrary there will be a knock at the door again and I'll just keep ignoring it. until I suddenly hear the door open and my sister call my name.

'Kara why are you still in bed?' she ask
'not so loud' I whined
'are you hungover again?' she say angerly 
'maybe' I simply said
'this cannot go on like this. you have to go on with your life' she say
'I can't, I cannot do it without her' I say with tears in my eyes
'yes you can' she say
'no I can't' I say crying
'you have to' she say demanding

I got angry with her and I just fly out the window leaving her behind and I cried some more before I arrived at work and I realized I was still waring a sweat pant and an oversized hoody but I didn't care about it.

when I walked in I heard James calling my name and he told me to come to his office.
'Kara look at you' he say concerned 
'I don't get the problem' I said looking at my outfit
'you have to go on with your life without Lena' he said
'I can't' I say and I feel the tears coming again
'but what you are you going to do then?' he ask
'I don't know I fucked it up with her' I say as I feel my tears drop
'maybe you did but maybe you still can fix this' he say encouraging
'take a few days of and decide what you are going to do' he say
I nod and leave his office and go home. I put on my Supergirl suit and I decide to rescue people in need.

After I done that the most of the day I go home and start drinking again just like I did yesterday and the day before and before. After a while I felt that I was getting drunk and I felt sad, I started crying and I drank a bit more. after a while I thought about what James had said maybe I should send another text to Lena or call her. I decide to send her a text

'hey Lena, I miss you and I don't know what I should do without you, you were my light and my strength without you I am lost. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you my secret before but I was so afraid of losing you and hurting you. it had nothing to do with your last name being Luthor or I didn't trust you, I just didn't want to hurt you, but in the end I did. and I will feel guilty about that for the rest of my life. Don't forget that I still love you and I will always love you. I'm so sorry for what I did, I wished I could make it up to you one day' I texted Lena and I waited for her to see it answer me but she don't answer me. She literally see my text a minute after I send it to her but she don't answer.

I still drink therest of the bottle and I lie down in my bed, everything turns and I start crying until I fall asleep

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