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Ohmigawd! What? You fricking woke me up.

Where's Jen?

Jen? Whose Jen?

Jen, my pet cat, Aaron.

Oh. Her. How would I know?

It's him. And you were supposed to look after him.

She must have ran away while I was asleep?

For fuck's sakes, Aaron, it was a male cat.

Well, I can't help it! Who would name a male cat Jen?


And it's not my fault she ran away. You should've taken better care of her.

What? I loved him and I took better care of him.


I swear Aaron if I find that you made him run away I'll freaking make you pay.

Oh, I'm scared shitless.

You will be if you don't tell me the truth now.

Ok. I might've scared him and kept the door open for him to run away.


Ow. Fuck. My nose.



Ouch. Jen's gone. Vote and comment to make Amy happy?

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