#4 Learning to Talk Part 2

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"Stay!" Zayn yelled.

Well Harry has been in his room for 2 days now and the boys (mostly Louis) have been taking him food and setting it by his door.

"Harry please just start talking so you can come out" Niall begged.(the boys were not alowed to go in the room and see him so Niall had been staying in the guest bed room)

"I miss my best friend" sighed Niall.

You get somthing out of him?" Liam asked while walking by.

"no" he sighed sadly "why won't he talk Li? Did we do anything to upsett him? Niall asked Liam.

"I don't know whats wrong with him. Hopfuly he will come around soon, i miss his happy smile" Liam told sadly.

Later on while they were eating supper

"Boys, someone needs to go speak to Harry while the rest of us clean up from supper. Because that will be a job in it's self!" Louis said  sarcastically.

"Yeah, we do" they boys agreed.

"who?" Niall asked.

"he won't want to talk to ME thats for sure!" Zayn said.

"I guess I will" Louis said.

They finished supper and started to clean up while Louis walked up to speak with Harry.

"May I speak with you Hazza?" He asked while knocking on the door.

No answer

"Hazza please!" Louis begged.

"Go away" Harry finaly answered shortly.

"just let my come in for 3 minuets" Louis said hoping for a deal.

Harry opened the door then walked back to his bed.

"I thought I might not remember what you looked like" teased Lou.

"what do you want?" Harry asked impatiently.

"what WE ALL want is for you to be yourself again" Louis said.

"Just tell me whats wrong with you babe?" Louis asked again.

"If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh?" Harry asked shyly.

"I would never laugh at you in a mean way Hazza" Louis said.

"Well...its just that...*he sighed* Imtiredoftalking!" He let out finaly

"your tired of talking?!" Louis asked out of shock.

"yeah! I am always talking!" Harry yelled.

"Harry, you are quiet'r then Zayn sometimes!" Louis said.

"Not here! When we're out! Getting interviewed! When we are anywhere! Harry yelled again. "why do they ask so many questions!! And then people expect me to go on twitter and talk there to!" Harry finaly finished.

"oh" said Louis simply surprised

That was all he could say, was "oh" brcause he didn't know what to say. He did not think it was affecting Harry that much!

After thinking about what to say for a minute:

"Harry, I will be back" said Louis as he left the room.

Downstairs, Zayn is in the kitchen talking with Liam and Niall is on twitter in the livinroom when Louis walks in.

"Hey Lou, how'd it go?" asks Liam while sipping hot tea.

Louis explained to them what was bothering Harry.

"and so I need you two to come up with me to his room and help me explain to him some stuff" Louis told them.

"ok, we'll help" Zayn and Liam said together.

Knock knock

"come in" Harry answered.

"Hey buddy" Liam greeted Harry "i hear the fame is getting to ya in a nit so good way" Liam joked.

"I'm just tired of talking to everybody!" Harry said exasperated.

"I know what ya mean Harry" Zayn told Harry. "sometimes it gets to me also" Zayn admitted.

"but it is our job to sing and talk. So if it ever gets to you real bad again then just come to one of us and we will try to help ya" Louis said kindly.

"Are you gonna be ok?" Liam asked Harry.

"yeah and thanks guys" Harry said while smiling.

"any time bud. But maby next time you should tell us before you just get mad and earn yourself a spanking" Zayn kindly warned Harry.

They all hugged and Harry soon felt better so they all went and joind Niall in a movie.
Then went to bed because they had to get up erarly for a meet and greet (hopfuly harry would be ok!)

Ok! Done! Hope you liked it!

So will Harry be ok during the Meet and Greet? Come back and see:)

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