Lying In Wait

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"The Ironborn set to destroy the stronghold of the wolves

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"The Ironborn set to destroy the stronghold of the wolves. The wolf pups were not found."

"Stannis Baratheon marched upon King's Landing but didn't not see victory."

"The Northern army matches upon Harrenhall."

"There is no news from across the Narrow Sea."

These words littered the scrolls that were given to the commander. Since her first order that she had given, spies have been sent to every corner of the kingdoms. All of them from the mountain and loyal to the mountain. She didn't have to worry about whether the words she was given were false. All of it would be for the greater good of the mountain and how they thrive.

Since she had been named commander, Collen has seen to the task to teach her of what she needed to know about their people. She learned about their training regiments. She learned about how their lives went being apart from the kingdoms. He even listed the commander lineage for her. This allowed her to ask questions involving Stryder. But one question he couldn't answer was why he left.

With these scrolls, Jaidyn couldn't help but feel like she had abandoned Robb's cause. How can he continue to be the King of the North if his Queen has taken his next in line? If nobody hears from her, then there is a chance they might consider her dead and possiblity look for another to start his line. And she didn't like that fact, but who could she trust to ensure that the Lions wouldn't come looking for them?

"I need to get word to the Northern camp. I need to ensure our well-being without anyone questioning where our whereabouts are." Jaidyn spoke to the rooms full of delegates that she had appointed. Collen had instructed that she name people that might help her in ruling and in combat if need be.

"But getting word in could be intercepted." One of them spoke up.

"You said yourself that a Lord cannot be trusted. The same Lord that stands by your husband's side." Another reasoned remembering her explanation from when she arrived.

"I understand that the Lannisters have set a bounty on my head and my son's, but there is one person I can trust above all. One who has the same blood ruining through their veins." Jaidyn stated for all to hear. "I need to get word to my Aunt, Lady Maege Mormont of Bear Island."

This sparked conversations to emerge about what the commander might say. Of what she tell Maege Mormont. The life of the mountain is paramount in order to sustain their lifestyle.

"I'll go." Evin called out from his position surprising many of them. Jaidyn hadn't wanted to disrespect the former commander and when Collen suggested another line of delegates, she didn't hesitate to name Evin as one of them.

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