iv. first date

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It's been a few weeks since you started dating Karma and everyone knew about it. Some saw it coming while the professors thought that the end of the world must be nearing knowing you two for being such a quirky pair. Karma is already a pain in the neck, with you added; it's like a whole new level as the final boss. 

It was (Best Friend Name) who was most excited about the entire matter. Currently, she was asking you if the two of you had already gone on a date. The question bemused you. 

"Date?" you repeated, thinking of today's date, it was Tuesday, wasn't it? Twelve of May? 

She gaped in shock, staring at you with disbelief. "No way! You two never had a date? Like going out together? The two of you alone? A DATE?!"

"But why?" you tilted your head in confusion, not understanding what she meant. Were you and Karma required to go on dates? For what reason?

"Why?" she made an exasperated face. "You two are now an official couple! Dates are for strengthening your relationship and getting to know more about the person! You can even have a bonus too!" she exclaimed excitedly as if she was a love guru.

"What kind of bonus? Bonus money?" You were too occupied with sleeping and studying so you never really bothered to know how being in a relationship works.

"There's no such thing as bonus money, (First Name), grow up," You pouted at her statement. "In dates, money is spent, alright? The guys usually do but yeah." 

"The bonus part?" you asked, trying to keep her back on track. 

"Bonus part is where you can see him in a different light! It's something like changes that you never see in our daily life. It's hard to explain! You'll see when you get there! Now, where is he?! I need to give him a piece of my mind— How dare he not ask you out?!" she was obviously distressed at what she found out, gripping her hair in utter disbelief. 

It was one thing to know that you didn't know about this stuff nor bothered with it, seeing your first priority was always sleeping but your boyfriend too?

"What's good about going on a date when it costs money? Who gave the rule that the guy pays for it? What a ridiculous thing," you spat in distaste and resumed playing on your PSP, indicating that the conversation was over. 

(Best Friend Name) decided to take matters into her own hands so she left you to your devices, setting out to find Karma. Luckily, he was easy to locate thanks to his red hair. 

"Hey, Akabane-san!" she called out as soon as she spotted him.

He paused as he faced her, letting out a smile, "Oh, if it isn't (First Name)'s best friend!"

"You don't remember my name, do you?" (Best Friend Name) rolled her eyes, shrugging the matter off to cut to the chase. "Anyway, that doesn't matter. I'm here to ask you one thing. Why haven't you asked (First Name) out on a date yet? Do you really know how a relationship works?!" 

"That's two things, (Best Friend Name)-san," Karma pointed out. "On the contrary, I've been asking her out several times but she always turns me down." 

(Best Friend Name) gave him a "what-the-heck-do-you-mean" look. 

Karma shrugged, "Few days ago, I asked her if she wanted to hang out last weekend but she refused, saying she's too lazy to go out. I have been asking her since then."

She and Karma shared a sigh; your best friend gave him a pat on the shoulder. Without another word, she went back to your side, determined to put some sense into your malfunctioning brain.

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