vi. when you got sick

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The second semester rolled around and you barely have any similar subjects with Karma. With that said, you two barely hang out these days, not that it mattered to you anyway.

You would never admit it aloud but it was annoying whenever your thoughts would always lead back to him, and how sad you felt not seeing him much.

Be that as it may, you spent time watching anime, reading manga, and playing games. Admittedly, you experienced difficulty in some subjects but that was because you see no challenge in it. Since Karma wasn't in your classes, you felt less motivated to give your best seeing there was no use in competing in a laid-back environment.

"It's true what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder," you looked up from your Nintendo Switch upon hearing (Best Friend Name)'s teasing tone. 

"What are you going on about? Di— achoo!" you sneezed before you could even finish what you were saying.

"Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze!" (Best Friend Name) scolded, scurrying away from you at the same time, she recognized the downhearted tone you had. 

"Hey (First Name)-chan, are you alright? Did you quarrel with Karma-kun?" she looked intently into your eyes. She knew you well enough like the back of her hand, there was no way you could hide anything from her. However, as soon as she held your hand, she froze. 

"You have no idea how painful having a broken heart is!" suddenly, tears were threatening to fall from your eyes, in an attempt to stop them, you yanked your hand away from hers, wiping your tears using your handkerchief, not allowing them to fall. 

Seeing your disheartened state, (Best Friend Name) resolved to help you out, her hand gripping her bag tightly as she thought of the person responsible for this. Anyone who made the mistake of looking in her direction saw the menacing aura that surrounded her. 

Since your head felt heavy today, not having the energy to bother with anyone right now, you went to your next class, failing to notice how your friend went on the opposite way. 

By now, everything was already blurry. You walked mindlessly, staggering your way to the classroom. You couldn't even hear the person calling out your name. 

Dizziness hits you at once. As if on cue, you lost your balance, you were too tired to care as your eyes closed, bracing for the impact of the compact floor. Nothing of sort came into contact; instead, something soft and warm caught you. 

Karma let out a sigh, staring at you helplessly, "What have you been doing recently now that I can't look after you? 

"Karma?" you said sluggishly. You tried to stand up from his arms but to no avail. Everything else was spinning even Karma's handsome face. Having no choice, you leaned onto him for support.

The redhead could only watch as once again, sleep won over you. 

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Waking up, you felt light-headed. You scanned the surroundings only to see that you were back home. 

How did I get back?

"Awake?" you heard the familiar voice you grew fond of. 

It was surprising to see him here but what's in the bowl he's holding? Food for you? 

He placed the steaming food by the nightstand and then he helped you sit up, offering you a warm drink.

"I am not that weak, you know," you said in a low tone. You drank large and fast gulps from the glass which caused you to cough.

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