ix. first time talking about the future

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❛ ════ *☆*★*☽* ════ ❜

With the graduation march resounding all over the place, it finally dawned on you. After years of sleep deprivation, anxieties, examinations, and restless nights, you're finally at the last stage— the reward, your graduation.

As soon as your name was called, you held your head high, striding over the stage. One by one, you shook hands with the school administrators, thanking them after they congratulated you. You bowed and accepted the diploma gratefully.

Meanwhile, back on the audience, Karma sat along with the other students whose turn was over. He took your pictures with a proud smile.

❛ ☆*★*☽ ❜

Right after the ceremony, Karma led you to the classroom where you two first met.

"Hey (First Name), any plans after this?" he asked, leaning back on his seat.

"Well, a company already offered me a job so I guess I'll be taking that. What about you?" you faced him as he stared right at you. There were these rare times when you were unable to decipher what he was thinking.

"I passed the civil service exam, I'll be starting soon as well," he grinned. By this point, he already worked out the details, ensuring your shared future not that you know that.

"That's given seeing you're smart, after all."

"Took you long enough to realize."

Before long, silence filled the air, seeing you two ran out of things to talk about. Still, being with each other was enough, content with the silence.

"Say (First Name)," you regarded his golden eyes which looked everywhere except at you. You relished the troubled expression he had, seeing it was a rare sight.

You were about to give him a run for his money but he beat you to it, "Want to move in with me?"

Caught by surprise, you watched him blankly as your mind tried to process what he just asked.

Unbeknownst to you, he finally looked your way. Upon seeing your reaction, he couldn't describe what he truly felt. Sure, he was hesitant in asking you in fear of you turning him down. But was this disappointment that loomed inside his chest?

I shouldn't have asked too soon.

He reasoned out to no one but himself that everything was going well with you. The countless times that you spent sleeping at his place proved that it was not a big deal to you, making it a good reason to ask you that question.

Contrary to his thoughts, your mind is currently a mess but let's be honest, when was it not?

Move in with him? Like living together? Holy sh— does that mean I can't watch anime or play games 'till morning from now on? What about my sleeping habits? Yeah, I slept with him but I wasn't sleeping comfortably! I still had awareness! What if I actually snore?! Should I start recording myself while sleeping? Shit. What if other creepy sounds were recorded instead? Holy cr—

"Forget I asked, (First Name). I knew it's too soon," you snapped out of your thoughts.

You were greeted with a sulking Karma, making you realize that you haven't given him an answer.


"Eh?" he gave you a confused look.

"I'm happy that you asked and honestly I would love to..." you trailed off, not knowing how to proceed.

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