vii. first argument

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in this au, Karma and Nagisa attended the same university

❛ ════ *☆*★*☽* ════ ❜

Just like the usual, you were running on empty after class but thankfully you arrived home. Without wasting another moment, you laid down on your bed, stretching comfortably.

When you remembered the anime (Best Friend Name) recommended for you to watch, hence here you are. "Just one episode..." you muttered, setting up your laptop on the bed table and your snacks for the night.

Completing your preparation, you leaned comfortably as you munched the potato chips, eyes glued on the screen. "Ah, this is the life," you exclaimed happily as you continued to watch without even noticing the time.

After several episodes, your phone suddenly rang. Annoyed at the interruption, you accepted the call without even checking who the caller was.

"Hello?" you didn't bother hiding your annoyance to the person on the other line. After all, people who had your number were the only ones close to you.

"Heh," you recognized the long drawling of the person on the other line, "Aren't you too early for today's classes, (First Name)? Or perhaps you haven't slept yet?" Hearing his lazy tone sent shivers down your spine.

You checked your phone to see the time and alas, it was already 4:38 AM.

I only wanted to watch one episode. Well, shit. I'm dead.

"Karma," you called sweetly, unable to answer his question.

There was a long silence which made you panic even more. 

"Too bad, you went back on your word," he said, you were unable to tell whether if he sounded annoyed or disappointed, one thing for sure, he wasn't pleased.

"Why are you up?" you asked instead, trying to defuse the situation. But seeing he called at this hour, didn't he sleep too?

"I set up my alarm to check on you to see if you're sleeping. Guess this works," he answered dully.

At this point, you were beyond terrified for you never been a receiving end of Karma's anger. You have never heard his voice go monotone either that is until now.

"Sorry Karma. I'll go sleep now."

"You better," he sounded stern but you heard him sighing. "Good night, (First Name)."

You returned his greeting and thus, the call ended.

❛ ☆*★*☽ ❜

The following morning, you resolved to apologize to him personally for breaking your promise. You were mentally preparing yourself but fate had other plans for here he was, walking towards your direction.

"Good morning, Kar..." you trailed off. You watched him walking past you as if you were not there at all.

Dumbfounded, you stared at him as he walked ahead. You felt your heart aching as you were confused at the sudden silent treatment.

"How childish!" you pouted, deciding to ignore him as well if that's how he wants to play.

"(First Name)," you heard a familiar voice behind you.

Hearing this voice made you happy as thoughts of Karma were brushed off your mind. You faced the strawberry blond-haired guy and smiled at him, "Asa-chan!" he also gave you a smile.

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