New Season, New dancer.

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Brady's POV

Hi, I'm Brady, I'm 14 and a dancer for the ALDC, today is the first day of season 9 of dance moms!

I woke up at 6am and got ready, I had a shower, got changed into a yellow ALDC jumper and leggings and went to make myself breakfast. I didn't feel like much so I just grabbed some toast.i checked my phone and texted the girls.

Stupid dancers😂✌🏻

B-Hey guys!
B-Wha you doin?
G-Oh nothing just waiting to go to dance.
G-Hey Lily! Did you get them ballet shoes I sent you?
L-Yeah! They arrived yesterday they are so much better than my old shoes!
B-Well I better go see ya at dance!

I ate my toast and went in the car with my mom.

T-So Brady, are you excited for dance?
B-Yeah I can't wait!
T-Well I don't want you getting in anymore fights like you did last season.
B-Ok I won't
T-I love you, let's go in and see the new dancers!

We walk in and go into studio B and I see Lily sat down, I sit next to her.

B-Hey Lily!
L-Brady! I missed you so much!
B-Yeah, it sucks how I live in Miami and you live in New York.
L-Tell me about it.

Gias POV

I walk in and see Brady, Lily and Savannah

G-Hey guys!

We all have a big group hug and Gianna comes in and asks us all to go into studio A

We walk in and line up in front of our moms

A-Welcome back for the new season guys! Now, I have one new dancer coming in the studio for season 9 and that is........ Nikolaj!

A boy walks in but not with a dance mom, a dance dad!

We all walk over and hug him to be polite. And when we go back to our places Abby continues talking,

A-Now you might be thinking, that's a dance dad! Not a dance mom! And yes, it is. Guys this is Charles Boyle and his son Nikolaj Boyle. They are here for season 9. Assignments, I have one duet and one trio. The trio consists of Lily, Brady and Gia. And it is entitled "The odd one out".

I'm super happy to be sharing a trio with my best friends! We are the dream team so bring it on Abby!

A-And the duet is with Nikolaj and Sarah, and it is entitled "Scream in pain". Finally, the group dance, all of you are in the group dance and it's called: The healer.

Nikolaj's POV

I wait outside the studio A door, waiting for my name to be called. Is this really happening? I thought to myself.


C-You excited Niko?

I hear Abby call my name and I walk in. I see everyone look confused but then come over and hug me.

A- (blah blah blah we heard it all before)

When I found out I had a duet I was excited, I felt my dad squeeze my shoulders lightly. They all left to go to studio B except me and Sarah, we had our duet.

A-Nikolaj, you lead! Okay yes footwork Sarah! Okay call in Lily, Brady and Gia please?

We nod and leave. Sarah goes and gets them while I sit alone because i didn't know anyone.

?-Hey Nikolaj! Sit by us!

I nod and come sit by them.

Charles' POV

I go up and sit with the other moms.

T-So Charles, how long has Nikolaj been dancing?
C-Since he was 4, he's 12 now.
S-Oh nice, so why are you here and not his mom?
C-Well, I'm a cop and my partner Genevieve has long business trips so she could never come, so Abby asked me to come in her place.
AS-Wait so your a cop?
C-Oh yeah, here look I have my badge on me

*phone rings*

C-Sorry I need to take this.

*answers phone*

C-Hey Jake
J-Charles get over here right now, Something bad has happened.....

A/n cliffhanger (kinda) Hope you like this chapter! I'm going to try and make the chapters long like this in the future!

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