The sleepover

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Staceys POV

Charles answered the phone and we could all tell it's bad by the fear in his voice.

S-Charles are you okay?
C-What? Oh yeah I'm fine it's just my best friend phoned, he needs help at the station,
M-Oh yeah, what happened?
C-Oh nothing much just that one of our detectives was shot in the line of duty
A-What? That's a huge deal!
C-Not really! I got shot twice before.
J-You did?
C-Oh yeah.

Nikolaj's POV

I looked over and sat by the person who had called my name.

H-Hi, I'm Hannah.
H-You nervous?
N-A little, but I'm excited.

We chat for a bit and Gia comes in and calls us for the group dance.

We learn it and i love it so much! We went through the duo and trio one more time and then miss Abby dismissed us.

I walk outside and see my dad.

C-Hey niko how did it go?
N-Great, I love it!

We start to walk to the car but see Jake running to us.

C-Hey Jake! Who got shot?
J-Rosa, but she's fine. She's out of the hospital, in a cast and she's healing.

Gias POV

I go in the car and see Nikolaj and his dad, with another guy! Nikolaj had a dance dad because he had 2 dads! Oh my god I need to text the others!

Stupid dancers😂✌🏻

G-Hey guys!
G-You know Nikolaj! He has a dance dad because he has 2 dads! I saw him and his other dad in the parking lot!
B-Ohh! This is good!
S-He was talking with Hannah in the studio!
L-You know what I'm thinking........
G-Let's bully him like we do Hannah and Sarah!
S-Sleepover at mine tonight?

Savannah's POV

I go ask my mom if I it's okay for them to sleepover tonight.

S-Hey mom!
S-Can gia, Brady, Lily and Pressley sleep over tonight?

Stupid dancers😂✌🏻

S-My mom said you can!
S-See you at 6?

I get some movies, snacks and games ready and check the time


They should be hear soon!

10 minutes later

I hear a bang on the door. I open it and see Pressley there with a large bag full of clothes,, tooth brush etc.

S-Hey Press!

We go upstairs and chat for a bit but then hear another knock on the door.

We open the door and see Gia there.

G-Hey girls!
P-Hey Gia!

Everyone slowly arrives and once their all here we go up to my room.

B-So how are we going to prank that Nikolaj kid?
P-Maybe exposing he has 2 dads?
G-Good idea!
S-So how about we take a photo next time both dads are with Nikolaj!
L-Yeah that would be good evidence.

We talk about a plan for a bit but then at midnight go to sleep.

Lily's POV

We wake up and get ready and arrive at dance as usual. But instead of going inside we wait outside with a camera. We see a car pulling up and Nikolaj and Charles getting out of it. But also another guy we hadn't seen before.

C-Goodbye Jakey

They walk into the studio and we walk in with all the proof we need to humiliate Nikolaj.

L-Wait guys. Only one of us should expose him because then we are exposing him to 2 people and it would be more embarrassing to expose it to everyone!

G-Good thought! Brady, you expose him
B-K when?

We all walk into studio B and me and the girls pretend to be on our phones and chatting.

B-Hey guys! You know Nikolaj, he has 2 dads!

We all fake gasp and laugh.

N-No I don't! That's my dads best friend Jake!
B-Likely story kid!
G-Buckle up kid we are making this the worst 4 worst months of your life.....

A/n hope you like this chapter., long again and sorry these 2 chapters have been a bit boring but the drama is starting to happen next chapter so stay tuned!

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