Chapter 10: Hiding

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Hi! I'm back! Sorry it been a while since I got busy with school stuffs. Thanks to you guys, my surgery went well. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Long time no see man!" said Max and hugged his best friend which is Ibe-san. Max and Ibe were talking since it been so long they met. They talked until Max saw Charlie. "What with the long face, Charlie?" asked Max. Charlie sighed and explained everything to him. "You're crazy! I have a hard time taking my own ass here and you want me to take care of him!" said Max. "But we need your help" said Charlie who is tried to persuade him. "Yeah, but..." said Max. "Please, help us. We really need your help. Ash is the love of my life. So please, I' m begging you to protect him" I beg to him and Max sigh. "Fine. I'll do it" said Max and my face started to bright up. "See. We can depend on Max to protect Ash" said Eiji to me. "So you don't have to worry so much".

But I still feel worry. I hope Ash is safe in there. I have to trust Max!

"(Y/n)!" Charlie called me and I immediately said yes. "If you worry so much. We can visit your boyfriend tomorrow" said Charlie with a smile on his face. "R-Really?" I asked and I felt happy about it. "Wait! Ash have a girlfriend? I didn't know that" said Max and he looked at me. "Y-Yes. My name is (Y/n) (L/n) from Japan" I introduced myself. "Hmm.. Ash is good. Picking a hot chick like you" said Max. "Please don't hit on her" said Charlie and smacked Max's head. 

Why does everyone wants to hit on me??!! Is American always like this??

> The next day <

Charlie, Ibe, Eiji and I went to the prison to meet Max and my boyfriend, Ash. Charlie and Max were discussing about something that made Max looks guilty. I wonder what were they discussing about. Meanwhile, I sat with Ash, Eiji and Ibe. "I miss you, (Y/n)" said Ash, and hugged me so tightly and kissed my forehead. "I miss you too, Ash. And I'm sorry for not protecting Skipper" I started to frown and it made Ash worried. "Hey looks at me" Ash hold your chin so that you made eye contact with him. "It not your fault. You did nothing wrong and it's my fault for making you guilty. I'm sorry" said Ash and he kissed your cheek. His kisses made you feel comfortable. "Thanks for coming" said Ash. 

"It nothing. I felt sorry for you" said Eiji and he frown. "Huh...What's wrong with Japanese people? Always feel guilty about anything" said Ash making fun of us. "How's my guys?" asked Ash with a concern tone. "Actually, it's too dangerous to get close and it seem like Arthur leading the gang now" said Ibe. Then, Charlie approached us. "Ibe, Eiji, (Y/n). Time to go". "Okay" we said simultaneously. "Well take care. I love you, Ash" I said, and I lean to him and gave a quick kiss at his lip. Ash blushed and pull me toward him so that he can kiss me passionately. "I love you too"  Ash whispered to my ear which made me blush. 

Then, Ash went to Eiji to say goodbye to him. But what made me curious is that Ash was whispering to Eiji and put his hand on Eiji's pocket pant. Charlie, Ibe and Max were busy chatting that they didn't notice this. "Ibe-san, I have to go to the bathroom" said Eiji and went to the bathroom. This made me feel curious. 

(Eiji pov)

I quickly went to the bathroom. Ash put something in my pocket. I wonder what it is? I opened the bathroom door and closed it. I checked my pocket and pull the thing out. It a pill? Maybe there's something inside. I opened it and there's a note in it. 

I know it's dangerous but I need you to do something. Go to a shop called Chang Dai in Chinatown and meet Shorter Wong. Just say Ash sent you. Tell him to get what I gave Dr Meredith and hide it somewhere safe. Be careful. Don't let anybody know about this especially (Y/n). 

After I read this, we went home and I said to Ibe that I'm going out. I then dressed like a gangster and went to Chinatown to search for the shop. Little did I know someone was following me.

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