Time to be useful

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Hawks P.O.V

The phone rang, Dabi picked up, I used a recording device Endeavor gave me and started recording the conversation. God please don't let him find out Im a spy. I need to stay alive so I can buy KFC crocs.
(Trust me they're real)

Dabi's P.O.V

After letting the phone ring a little cause Im a bitch I picked up the phone and listening to hand job complain about me not answering right away.
"My god hand job calm down I was busy, now what do you want" I put him on speaker phone because it's easier then holding the phone up to my ear. Kurogiri came on the phone so that we could have a civil conversation instead of hand job yelling at me the whole time.
"Dabi any information on the hero's that we can use yet?"

"Hawks said that the building area will be hero free so that we can conduct business there but that's all so far. Apparently nothing interesting happens in the hero world but I think he just doesn't pay attention."

"Thank you for the information you've collected so far. Now tomura shigaraki has decided that we will attack U.A again in hopes of killing a few of a the teachers or students"

"Because that went so well the last two times the leagues attacked U.A"  I can tell he heard me roll my eyes while saying that but really it's stupid to attack again. But what do I know right?

"We'll be attacking on Friday evening right before everyone gets out of class. That way they'll all be more tired then usual ok? Just meet us at the base at noon on Friday "

"Fine fine, anything else mom?"

"I thought I've already told you to stop calling me that Dabi"

"Whatever mom" I hung up in true emo kid fashion. Im fairly tired so I laid on the couch and put on a movie making sure the volume was louder then normal not caring if hawks woke up. It's a small and subtle way of saying I don't give a single fuck if I wake you up because I hate you. But also because the louder the T.V the easier it was to keep my depressed thoughts away.

Hawks P.O.V

Wow guess I'm actually being a useful spy for once. I found out where and when they're planning an attack. I'll tell Endeavor tomorrow because it would be suspicious if I just left right now to tell him and also I'm tired. Being a spy and only eating cheese  sticks for dinner after a long day of work is tiring. I lay down and get all comfy, I close my eyes smiling slightly at how comfy and I am and how easily I'll get to fall asleep tonight. It's moments like this that make the living hell I call life worth all the pain and suffering. Moments like this that remind me of more simplistic times with moments I would spend alone with touya. God I miss him more every single day. Get over him Keigo. He's gone even if he might still be alive he clearly doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. Oh well I can still relive all my memories with him while I have this nice chance to. Im about to drift of into a nice happy sleep when I hear from the living room
I jumped out of bed falling onto the floor quickly being distracted by my happy thoughts making me fairly grumpy god Im such a gay sentimental child. After a second I realized that Dabi was watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Uhg why's it have to be so loud, I get back into bed and struggle to find another comfy position. God did he have to watch such a loud show so late and with the volume so loud? Being very annoyed that Dabi ruined my hopes of having a nice sleep, I sent one of my feather to the living room and used it to turn the volume down ignoring dabi's shouts and yells. Apparently he was very mad and annoyed because he stomping into my room yelling.
"What the hell was that for birdbrain!"

"I was almost asleep bacon boy when you stopped that so excuse me for wanting sleep!" He flinched a tiny little bit so small that I almost missed it. But he wasn't going down with out an argument.

"Too bad I don't give a fuck I was watching something as loud as I wanted!"

"Well news flash you're not the only person in the world And I was trying to sleep and have a nice happy calm moment for once!"

"Well News flash you're not the only person in the world either! I was trying to forget about the world but no I can't have that can I?!?"

"Well excuse me for trying to take some time to remember the one time in my life that I was happy!"

"Boo hoo someone's sad. Get over it everybody gets sad!" 

"Just leave me alone and we can both leave each other alone so that we can sulk in peace!" I hated arguing I always have. It always reminds me of when I was a little kid having to watch my mom and dad fight over what little we could afford with what little money we had. Deep down I knew they'd have more money without me and as a five year old that ate me up at night because all they're fighting must have been my fault. So I did what I always did when I was upset and I sat up hugging my knees and wrapped my wings around my body like a safe little egg away from the world. I've had this habit my whole life I've tried to stop it but it's never worked.

Dabi's P.O.V

Oh god why'd he have to go in 'egg mode' again. He did this in highschool too and I couldnt stand it I had to help him and make him feel better. It sounds stupid but I guess he uncovered those stupid feelings I have- had for him. I couldnt stand this without at least trying to comfort him. So I'll just try what I always did in highschool.

Authors note: I hope this makes up for me disappearing
Word count: 1069

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