Chapter 3

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When Y/N woke up, things were not the same. She and Carter ran some tests and they saw that the temperature dropped and it was even colder than last time. Way colder.

      "Do you think that Will and his family are okay? I mean, their Jupiter sunk. They must be freezing, especially in this weather," Y/N complied.

"Why are you suddenly worrying about him," Carter asked. Y/N shrugged and looked at the temperature charts for the day.

"Their ship probably iced over in that water."

"Y/N are you okay? You are worrying a lot about them. We still only met Will, not his family."

Y/N shrugged again then suddenly froze.

Carter seemed to notice that she stopped pacing, a thing Y/N did when she was stressed. He frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Y/N's face slowly turned into a smile.

"What if there is fuel here, on this planet."

Carter placed his foot down, "what do you mean?"

"The fuel, it could be natural! Maybe all we need is enough...trash?"

"I don't know Y/N. Where would we even find that?"

"Carter, I need you to try and fix the thruster. I'm gonna find as much coal as I can. Maybe we could share it with others?"

Carter stared.

Y/N walked up to him and took his hands.

"Please, have faith in me. The Resolute is gone but Alpha Centauri isn't. We need the fuel to get there, to find our parents."

Carter thought for a second before slowly nodding his head.

"Thank you!"

Y/N went running off the ramp, stumbling while putting on her coat.

Carter smiled as he felt his face get warm.


     Will and John walked into the cave, looking around a bit. It was cold, dark and covered with ice. They needed to find the magnesium that would unfreeze Judy from the water and the thing they needed was somewhere in the cave.

John looked down at his kid. "What's wrong Will. You look like you have something on your mind."

Will looked at his dad and smiled.

      Will still hadn't told anyone about Y/N and Carter.

     "Ya know, you can tell me anything, kid. I'm your dad," John said.

Will sighed. He didn't want to tell anyone about the kids he met, at least not now.

"I guess it's just everything that's going on. I feel scared for Judy."

John looked back ahead. "Me too. Everyone does. I guess we all haven't let go of that feeling after the attack on the Resolute."

Will nodded.

They continued walking until something caught John's eye.

"Look, I think it's there."

Will followed his dad to a wall. It sparkled as they moved.

"Quick, Will give me the pickaxe," John said, eager to save his daughter.

Will took of his bag and looked for the pickaxe.

Starry Eyed- Will Robinson x Reader (Lost in Space)Where stories live. Discover now