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Feelings are overrated. 

I feel like I'm alone all the time and I want to hang out with people but at the same time I hate everybody.

I don't like myself but I feel like I'm better than everyone else at the same time. (trust me, I know I'm not)

Story Time: 

This kid I sit next to in math, he flirts with me all the time and shit. 


He just broke up with his girlfriend last week and apparently this week he was texting her "I miss you so much. How long will it take you to get over this so we can do it again?" *cough cough* ("It" means sex) 

I want to hit him sometimes. But he's the only one, besides the old people from the nursing home I go to once a week, that compliments me. So. He's a bit useful. But idiotic at the same time. 


I went and got balloons with my mom last night (It's my sister's birthday!) and we put them in the trunk of our minivan and she hit me on the head with the trunk door when she went to shut it. I've had at least 3 concussions so far. My medical history is a bit of a long one but it's the same things. 


Left arm at age 3

Right arm at age 5

Left arm at age 7

Left thumb at 12 (had to get a cast for it so I'm counting it)


First concussion was a minor one when I was 8th grade so I was 13 and I hit my head on some gym equipment, but didn't really thing about it so life went on. 

My major concussion was around Thanksgiving time in 8th grade when I was at basketball try outs and we were running suicides and my friend's shoulder hit my face right in the middle and I blacked out. (It was incredibly embarrassing to wake up with the boys and girls basketball teams hovering over me and then sitting on the sidelines with a big bag of ice on my head until my mom picked me up) So I was out of school for about 6-8weeks. It was freaking horrible. That's how we found out I had A.D.D.

Then in 9th grade I was walking home from school and I went to cross the street while my friends continued on their way and I guess this older lady wasn't paying attention as she turned around a corner cause she hit me just as I walked into the street (I looked both ways and wasn't on my phone) I blacked out again and woke up standing up in the grass. I had a nasty road burn on knee and I was in shock, went home, and called my friend cause I didn't know what to do. (mind you, I was 14 and the adults of the situation let me leave without calling cops so I thought I was okay to leave) and she laughed because I was crying so I called my mom cause my head hurt (she was working at my brother and sister's school) so she called the cops on her way home, they took me to the hospital cause my shoulder and neck hurt and I had to wear a neck brace for 3 hours (It's in my closet) and took x-rays. Nothing was broken but I had to take it easy cause my head. Let me tell you, my body hurt so bad the next month. It hurt to move or do anything. 

11th grade I hit my head on some science cabinets during class, went down to the nurse, felt like shit so my mom picked me up. Went to the doctors the next day and she said I had another concussion. Didn't go to school for about a week. 

Wow. That was really boring and long. I apologize. I'm putting a Kevin Hart video for those who actually read this shit. 

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