Chapter 3.

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The intercom comes on, waking up Ara from her deep slumber. Her eyes snap open and she sits up in her seat, looking around to only see a couple of people walk onto the train.

   She rub her eyes and relax back in her seat, a big yawn escaping her mouth. The train starts moving again and continues to the next stop.

   Ara looks around the train, just trying to stay awake. Her wondering gaze landing on a man sitting across from her, looking in her direction.

   She pays no attention to him, thinking it's nothing too serious. Looking back out the window, seeing now that they are in the city. The city lights glow, making the night sky look more alive.

   Ara haven't been in the city in such a long time. She been stuck home, dealing with her dead beat dad. No freedom to do anything because of him and now, she could finally walk around freely. 
A small smile grew on her face, realizing once again that she is free. But the thought was cut off by the sudden feeling of being stared at.

   Ara slowly turns her head to see who was staring at her. Her eyes once again meeting with the same man that was previously looking at her.    He was staring at her and Ara stares back. She didn't know what to do. They were the only one left on the train.

   He was wearing a mask that was only covering his mouth. His hair flops over his eyes slightly, but you could still see his gaze. He was wearing a simple black t shirt and baggy black pants. He looked like as if he just rolled out of bed.

   Ara finally looks away, looking back out of the window. She wanted to look back, but was too scared to make eye contact with him again.
Then there was a tap on her shoulder. She looks over and see that the man was now standing over her.

   " Is this seat taken?" He asked her. She was hesitant to answer, but could tell he means no harm to her. Ara shakes her head no and moved her stuff so that he could sit beside her.

   He takes the seat and they sat in silence." So where are you heading?" Ara looks at him to see he was now looking back at her, trying to break the ice.

   " Uh...somewhere," she manage to spit out. "Somewhere?" She nods her head slowly, not knowing what else to say.
" That's interesting." " Yeah..." she trails off, feeling a bit awkward.

   It was once again silent, but it didn't stay that way for too long. " My name is Taehyung." He sticks out his hand to shake. Ara looks at it, grabbing it to shake back. " Ara."

He pulls down his mask to revel a friendly smile.

   " Nice to meet you." Ara couldn't help but smile back, feeling a bit more comfortable. " Sorry for asking, but is there any particular reason why you're just going anywhere?"

   Ara gives him a confuse look. Taehyung takes his finger and tap his cheek.

   Ara reach for her cheek and remember the giant bruise that have formed on her face. She immediately look away, feeling embarrassed by her appearance.

   " It's nothing," Ara quietly says. " Is it?" she then fell silent. Taehyung shifts in his seat and sighs a little. " Sorry for asking." Ara shake her head slightly. " No, it's fine." She looks back over to him.

   " I mean it's kinda obvious," she jokingly say. " I didn't want to assume. It looks like it hurts." " Yeah it does. It'll go away on its own."

   It was once again quiet, Taehyung trying not to upset her anymore then he have already. " So um...I would imagine you probably need a place to stay."

   Ara furrowed her eyebrows together, feeling a bit offended. " No. why would you think that?" " I don't know. You've been asleep ever since i got on up until now." he goes quiet, looking down at seat in front of him. " And I don't want to come off weird, but it seems like you're running away from someone."

   Ara just stared at him, not knowing what to say. He was right. She's been asleep for a pretty long time and she stick out like a sore thumb.

   " yes i am, but I'm sure I'll figure something out," says Ara. " Are you sure?" She once again fall quiet. She doesn't have anywhere to stay nor does she know anyone else besides her father. She even realizes she doesn't have enough money to get a hotel room.

   She nods her head, not wanting to answer fully. Taehyung shake his head slightly. " I know this is very weird and difficult to ask, which is understandable, but..."

   Ara was listening carefully. " If you need somewhere to stay. You're more than welcome to stay with me... for a little."
She wasn't really expecting that. Thought he would offer to buy a hotel room for her or recommend a place to stay.

   " Um," is all she could say, really hesitant to take the offer. " I-I guess." Ara knows it's not a good idea to just stay with a stranger she just met only a few minutes ago, but something about him made her feel safe. Also, it's probably better sleeping on the streets of Seoul.

   Taehyung nods, smiling to himself. " Okay good. It just seem like you needed a place to stay for now and I thought it was nice to offer."

   Ara smiles. " Thank you. I appreciate it. A lot." Taehyung exchanged the smile as well. Ara feels a little better now. Feeling herself finally going down the right path.

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