TH3 N30N D15TR1C7 - 2042/11/2 - 10:30

15 1 0

Tatiana A. Alvarado

     "Yes, Steven, I know how hard it is to have lost your daughter in such an... unfortunate manner. But please, you have another child. I'm sure Caspian will grow into a young man with equal intelligence as his late elder sister. Journee would've been such a wonderful girl. Shame to see such a young person go like that." My head of Watch for sector B was sobbing pathetically in front of me in my office. His daughter had recently been murdered while out on a leisurely walk with her younger school friend. Murders happen every day here. No one is safe. Get over it. I looked at him with a cold stare. "Just get out of my office, I don't talk to cowards. If you want to keep your title and rank, you will man the hell up." He looked at me with misty blue eyes, pain etching his voice as he spoke.

     "You don't understand, ma'am... she was everything to me." His sorrowful exposition turned to rage. "And if you want to try and tell me how to feel about things, then maybe you should experience how it feels to lose a child! I reckon you have one." I smirked.

     "I most certainly do not have a child. Why would I? They drain you of energy, money, time, and most importantly, your self esteem. If all children can turn men like you into... this, then imagine how pathetic I would be as a woman. I wouldn't have this job anymore. Now," I smiled, folding my hands over my desk. "Get out."

     I leaned back in my leather chair, picking up my mug of hot chocolate. Coffee was too normal for me. I had a feeling on who was behind Journee's murder. A threat to The Watch. Whoever did this obviously was targeting anyone affiliated with The Watch directly. It had to have been an Executive, they always hang around those nasty syndicates in that underground bar, The Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger was a bar in the theme of a 1920's speakeasy, but with all the neon signs it kind of lost its glory as such a thing. I knew that the Executives were against me and my way of protecting this depressing city.


     "Nicholas Jackson-Froehlke." I spoke as I wrote the main suspect's name on a large screen in front of a conference room of my Watch captains. They were all taking notes. A petite woman near the back looked concerned, her auburn hair spilling in front of her face, clashing with her black rimmed glasses.

     "M-Ma'am... Mr. Jackson-Froehlke is one of the most powerful men in the ci-city... there's no way we can take him down." I put down the stylus, shooting her a cold stare. I then smiled, and chuckled a bit.

     "Ms. Baker, are you questioning my power? I am basically feared by most of the city, if not all of it. I'm pretty sure I can lock up one person." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, looking down. I turned to the rest of the conference. "Now, I expect you all to gather as much information on him as possible. You are dismissed."

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