13 ... Only to Find What You Seek Without Effort 2/2

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...dé lái quán bù fèi gōng fu
...only to find what you seek without effort.
... only to find what you seek right under your nose.

(This chapter's title is a continuation of the idiom started in the title of chapter 12.)

He didn't. I had only indulged in watching the lives passing by on the street for a short time before Sanli rode across my view. He was on Little Light again, high above the traders and fishermen, followed, as always, by Kageyama on Makabe. I heard the horse hooves clip clop around the corner to the stable, and Kageyama's deep voice speaking with the stable master.

Sanli appeared at our table shortly afterwards. The first thing he said, before even glancing my way was "Ermi, what are you doing here?"

"Reading," said Ermi, looking up from her book. Her sweet tone held just the barest hint of surliness.

"What did I JUST say, less than an hour ago, about coming into the city unaccompanied?"

"There are guards in the courtyard. And it's broad daylight Uncle Sanli. All the murders happened at-"

"Enough. From now on, you only leave Chuanfang with a full guard. If Liangyi isn't around, get someone else to come with you. A couple house guards on their own aren't enough. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Uncle Sanli," said Ermi. The surliness was definitely there this time.

"Go back in the carriage now. Sho Sensei will go with you. Lady... Yunyou and I will follow after we finish discussing some things." Ermi's blush was faint, and I knew she was imagining the things we would be discussing. I had forgotten how precocious a young girl's mind could be.

Sanli stood, gesturing for me to precede him. "After you, Lady Yunyou. Let's talk somewhere quieter."

I stood and followed a maid who led us both down a hallway and up a staircase to a seperate, private room, richly decorated with silks and tapestries, also overlooking the street below.

Sanli sat down on a cushion at the low table by the window and gestured for me to do the same. The maid set a fresh pot of tea and two cups on the table between us before bowing her way out.

The sound of wheels and horses outside drew our attention. Ermi's carriage passed by the window, heading back toward Chuanfang. The people on the street moved aside to make way for it.

A rider on a black horse trailed the carriage. As he left, Kageyama glanced up at the building, searching, a glare on his face. His eyes never found mine, but I knew that glare was meant for me.

Forgetting the fox, I turned to the man in front of me, taking a moment to admire his attire. Gone was the roughly tailored trader's wear from the road, or the servant's uniform I had seen him in earlier. Instead he wore an elegant black silk robe, tiered just below the knees for ease of movement, with black silk trousers underneath. The robe was belted at the waist with a leather belt inlaid with silver studs shaped like deer and trees. The symbols of the Green King.

The clothes were not as ornate in cut or pattern or color as many other men of his station were want to dress, but elegant nonetheless.

The black of his clothes, the black of his slicked back hair. His strange eyes, so dark green they were almost black. If possible, Sanli looked even more handsome than usual.

Smiling to myself, I poured tea into both cups, then took my own and sipped the hot liquid. Sanli only sat and watched the steam rise from his cup.

 Sanli only sat and watched the steam rise from his cup

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