Oh my God a real chapter!!!!

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Kirishima screamed his scream echoed through the hallway when he Hurd others scream he know he wasn't the only one with a letter running to Bakugous dorm he through the door open to what looked like his friend....his crush sleeping but he knew better shaking like a leaf in a wind storm he made his way to Bakugou with the rest of the Baku-squad now in the hallway along with a few other class mates Iida had just gone to get Mr.Aizawa with shaky hands he checked the blonds pulse he took a sharp breath in of relief it was still there but VERY faint hardly noticeable his brain kind of went into over drive after that it's like he was walking through thick goo like he wasn't really there was there more to the story? What really happened when he got kidnapped? He assumed in the worst case scenario he was tortured but was there something more that no one knows about? Was it even the kidnapping?
The next thing he knows he and the rest of the Baku-squad plus Midorya were in a small Van on the way to the hospital (there the only one's aloud to because they all got letters)
Time skip

"So do to him ingesting as much antidepressant pills that he did witch were not sure why he had their supposed to be kept with an adult at all times and never alone with the patient he is now in a coma state though we are getting high levels of activity in his brain witch makes us think he is highly aware of his surroundings so he can hear you and when he eventually gets enough strength to open his eyes he will be able to see you are charts say he should make a full recovery but you never know with these sort of things now does anyone have his parents number?"
Mina raises her hand
"Yeah I do I can call them if you like"
"Yes please informed them to go too * insert something that sounds like a hospital name*"
Mina grabbed her phone and hit Mitsuki  pressing the phone to her ear
"What did the brat do this time" was her first response
Holding back a sob Mina continued
"You need to get to the hospital...he tried.. he tried to.. he tried to kill himself"

"He just tried to fucking off himself?!?!? Omg when I get my hands on that boy I'm going to fucking kill him who dose he think he is!!! He fucking know I need help with his fucking siblings I can't believe him I swear to god he's going to get a fucking beating  when I get there" Mitsuki ranted

"What the HELL is wrong with you! Your SON just tried to kill himself and you don't fucking CARE! You know what stay at your fucking house im more of a mom then you'll ever be!" She Angrily sobbed hanging up the phone
"She's not coming" was all she said before disappearing into the hallway to call her own parents 
The room was tense after that the doctor left and they were aloud to see Bakugou one by one as to not overwhelm him

"Hey Kacchan you know your amazing hey! I don't wanna here you say no your not so don't even think it your going to make it out of this stronger then ever but you know what it's ok to show weakness you don't have to be perfect and strong all the time you are human you know and I love you too as a brother of course"

"Hey man it's me your favorite sparky boy
I just wanted you to know something that no one else knows ok? When I was in middle school and back I was unfortunately born a girl but my second year of middle school I got enough courage to tell my family and even though there not really In my life that much I was really happy when they accepted me I cut off all my hair and I was so happy I was crying we got me a chest binder and changed my name we told the school what to call me instead of my dead name I still had dysphoria but it was much better than before when I was....cutting over it every thing was good until I got back to school my classmates and teachers looked at me differently people who were my "friends" left me completely saying stuff like they didn't want a tranny in there friend group I was alone for 2 years without a friend my depression had spiraled out of control and I honestly didn't think I would make it to high school but I am so thankful I did because I got to make friends there all the teachers know and they don't care they even have a transgender bathroom! There a lot of trans kids there actually but if I never would have met you I would probably be dead just know Katsuki you do make an impact on the world and you are Worth so much more than you know and I know from experience your not just going to feel happy over night it's going to be hard but just know you can do it" ( I might make a trans kami little space book but what should the ship be?)

"hey kat I'm sorry you feel this way I just wanted to say we all love you! And I'll be there for you no matter what what kind of sister would I be if I didn't *riddit* we all miss you and can't wait till your back on your feet and kicking ass!"

"Hey kitty I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner I'm so sorry I let it get this bad I knew you had depression! And I stupidly thought you were better because what? You weren't having panic attacks every night or because you didn't tell me about them I'm sorry I failed you I hope you can forget me I love you kitty"

And lastly

"Hey Baku-bro  I know you can hear me so it's now or never
I love you and not just as a friend but I love you in a gay way
I love your laugh and your smile I love the way  your nose scrunches up when your thinking or the way your eye brow raises when your confused  I love the cute noises you make when I tickle you I love when we play game both in and out of headspace I love when you draw me pictures I love everything about you and I just wish I would have said something sooner"
Leaning in kiri kisses Bakugou on the forehead and leaves the room so the blond could get some rest

Hope you guys have a wonderful day love you


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