Did someone ask for fluff? Real chapter

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2 weeks have past

Katsuki POV

I haven't been able to move very much since I tried killing myself I know that it seemed out of the blue-
But it really wasn't I mean what can you do with years of abuse from your mother and neglect from your father always pushed to the side because your younger siblings need more attention then you I suspect that's one of the biggest reasons for my regression and now recently being kidnapped and tortured

But on a happier note kiri likes me back! He even said it well he said he loved me

He loves me

And I can believe it I feel loved when I'm with him don't get me wrong Mina tsu and even Izuku make me feel loved but just not the same with kiri
He made him feel like the only person in the world
Like for once in his life he was special he wanted to hug Kirishima to kiss him to tell him he loved him to but he was trapped in him own mind his own mind that told him no one loved him that he was nothing and that he was better off dead
He had to move he had to wake up he was tired of waiting he wanted out! And now

So he focuses all of his attention into one finger
He tried to move it no lick

A twitch it wasn't much but it was there
He twitched again and again he was so excited
Then he moved his hand and after about 20 minutes he could move hi whole arm!

It was about two hours later and he could move both arms and legs he could blink but he was having trouble getting up he couldn't sit up just yet and he tried but he can't talk yet he so close! He has to try harder
30 minutes have passed
And he's fully Mobile! He looks around and sees the nurse button
He Shakaly reached for it 
He presses it at the same time
Mina tsu Kaminari and Kirishima walked into the room
Mina yells and drops the coffee she had in her hand and runs over to him tears in her eyes as she hugged him close

"Katsuki!" She sobbed
"Don't ever do that again! Your going to give me a heart attack the next time you feel like shit you better fucking tell me omg I was so scared I got the letter and I just couldn't stop crying
If you ever do this to me again I swear to god I'll kill you myself"

Kirishima walked over to his bed ass well and gave him a huge hug
Kaminari and Tsue Joined to

Katsuki had to talk to a Tharipast before he was aloud out of the hospital there was a high chance he wold have to go to a mental hospital for a while

Even though it was hard katsuki decided to come clean about what happened to him to the Tharipast he was sick and tired of feeling like he did and no one made Katsuki Bakugou feel like shit he told them about the abuse and neglect and about the torture that happened when he was kidnapped he told them who's voice he heard he didn't tell them about his little space however that was his
little secret

Katsuki lay with Kirishima on the couch as he was watching puppy dog pals his daddy was the BEST! they snugged all the time and daddy let kami and Tsue come to there dorm all the time! Right now daddy had to get up because of a phone call ugh
Katsuki was bored so he went out of the room he was about 2 at the moment so it was a little hard for him to get around but he managed he walked to his and daddy's room to grab his stuffed kitty her name was Luna and she was really pretty he babbled happily when he grabbed her
But it was over soon as he shrieked daddy had scared him by lifting him up from behind and gently threw him onto the bed and tickled him
Katsuki giggles like a mad man rolling around the bed trying to break free of Kirishima's hold
"Stop it daddy! Dat ticaws! Ahhh stop hehe"
Kirishima stopped tickling his boy and gave him a big fat raspberry on his tummy
Katsuki broke out into an all new set of giggles

"Guess what kitty!"
"What!!!" Katsuki asked fully engrossed in what his daddy has to say

"Auntie was just on the phone andddd Tsue and Kaminari are going to the park anddd they wanted you to come with!"

Katsuki yelled with joy he loved going to the park he got up as quickly as possible without falling and went to his closet he jumped up and down and waited for daddy to pick out his outfit when Kirishima finally got his outfit and put it on him
Katsuki put his arms out he wanted up! Kirishima complied and lifted the little into the air he grabbed the little bag and his keys and they went to meet the others at the front of the dorms.... the End

//hi guys so I'm not very good at ending books but yeah that's it I've been working on this for a year and I'm sad to see it go and I wanted to thank you all for doing this with me I would have never gotten this far seeing all your comments make my day!
Soooo I have a question?

Would you like a book 2? Or even a different thing tell me! I have an idea for book 2 but I wanna know if you would even want one

Also check out my other books for more little space Bakugou!

And lastly thank you so much for 50k wow I never thought I would be here thank you so much!//


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