Chapter 35

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nathans pov

When I woke up I was surpassed to find I was alone. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still in the hospital bed, but Ellen was gone. As I looked through the glass doors I saw jay talking to the doctor. I sat up and put my feet on the ground. I stood and walked over to the door.

"mate, you seen Ellen?" I asked, jay and the doctor both looked at me. "she's getting changed, we're taking her home." answered jay with a big smile petered across his face. "oh, how long was I out?" I asked. "long enough for Ellen to wake up, have a panic attack, then get discharged." said jay.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. "I'm sorry, I should have been awake to take care of her." I sighed, jay came over and put his arm around me. "don't worry about it mate, you deserve some time off. You've been working hard with her." said jay as he hugged me.

"jay, this isn't a job, I love her, I want to take care of her, I don't want her scared and I never want 'time off', from her." I said. "aw you soppy git stop, you're going to make me cry." said jay and I laughed.

"whats so funny?" asked jay as I looked up at him with a grin. "I just got the image of you crying when you met frankey." I chuckled. "piss of I was drunk!" he shouted and shoved me away from him I laughed harder when he did and he flipped me off.

"I hate you all, with a burning passion!" he shouted. "jay I'm the only one here!" I laughed at him. "shut up!" he sulked and I hugged him. "come on, you know I love you, jay than forever right?" I said and rested my head on his shoulder. "ya, jay than forever." he replied and patted my head.

"I'm done changing." said Ellen and jay and I both turned. She was standing in the hall with the hospital gown she'd been wearing in her hands. She had on a mushroom shirt and black jeans. "you feeling alright?" I asked, she nodded slowly, but I could tell by the little crinkle in the sides of her eyes that she was in pain. "jay, why don't you go talk to doctor and get some pain meds." I suggested, jay nodded and walked off.

I turned to Ellen and looked her up and down. Her shoulders were stiff and she was holding herself stiffly. "I'm fine, i don't need any pain meds." she said. "don't lie to me love, I can see it, you're in pain." I said. "no, I'll be fi.." she started but I cut her off. "babe, don't even say it, you're getting the pain meds, I'm not going to let you be in pain." I quickly interrupted.

"ok." she sighed and I smiled at her. "thanks babe." I said. "now come on, let's go home." I added, I reached out for her hand but she just looked at it. I let my hand fall back by my side and started walking down the hall as she followed. "nathan I'm so.." she started. "don't even say it." I quickly interrupted.

"stop apologizing, it's fine, I understand, I'll wait." I said, she sighed but came with me as we walked down the hallway. "thanks doc." said jay as we turned the corner and saw jay and the doctor talking. "no problem, make sure to do it everyday and if you see any discoloration or serious inflammation call immediately. She should be fine long as you apply the gauze on time." said the doctor.

He handed jay a back and shook his hand, then walked away. Jay Renee to us and gave Ellen a huge smile. "come on." he said, we walked over and all started out of the building. The van was waiting for us and we got in. Ellen gasped when she sat down in her seat. jay closed the door and sat down next to her.

"here." said jay and he opened the pill bottle. He handed a white pill to Ellen and she stared at it until I gave her some water. We sat in silence for a while until jay spazed out and yelled, scaring the shit out of Ellen. "oh my god!" he shouted and started digging through his pockets.

"what is it jaybird?" asked Ellen. "I forgot I had your brother ship me your phone...but...I think I lost it." he sighed. "you did, you left it in a taxi yesterday, but I grabbed it." I said and pulled it out of my pocket. "thank you thank you thank you!" shrieked Ellen and she hugged me.

I smiled and hugged her back. She took her phone and turned around so her back was resting on me. She snuggled up to my chest and I put my arm around her. She started messing around on iTunes and buying a bunch of songs. She was calming so I assumed the pain meds we working.

"babe, you've got to stop trying to kill yourself." I said "well, to be fair, I wasn't trying to kill myself this time." she said as she started softly playing Hall Of Fame by The Script. "ok, maybe you didn't try and kill yourself this time but you did once and this time you hurt yourself." I started and she nodded. "babe, you just make me worry, it kills me when you get hurt." I said and started playing with her hair.

"I'm sorry, I was just terrified, I didn't want his...." she trailed off. "I know baby, I know, don't worry it's gnu." I replied. "and we'll protect you now." piped jay, Ellen smiled at us. "I'm so lucky to have you boys." she said. "and I'm lucky to have you." I said with a smile and ran my thumb over her cheek.

The van stopped at our flat and jay opened the door. We saw Maggie crying on the steps of our house. "baby!" shouted jay and he ran over. "get away from me!" growled Maggie angrily as she shoved him away. "what's wrong?" asked Ellen. Maggie looked up at us and her cheeks were covered in tears, then she whispered. "I'm pregnant."


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