Chapter 36

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nathans pov

We stared shocked at Maggie. "baby...are you sure?" asked jay. "oh course I'm sure!" snapped Maggie. Then silence set in and Maggie started crying again. "baby, why are you crying?" asked jay. "because, you're going to throw me aside and I don't want to get rid of him, so I'll have to this kid alone, I won't make enough money, we'll have to live on the street, he won't have a father, we'll be all.." she started hysterically ranting.

"whoa, whoa, baby, stop." said jay as he took her hands in his and knelt down in front of her. "I will never 'get rid' of you, I love you baby and this kid will only make me love you more." said jay as he reached foreword and used his thumbs to brush away her tears. He gave her a reassuring smile and held her face in his hands.

"nothing will ever make me love you less, nothing, we may be young and I know I act like an immature idiot and neither of us are ready for this, but I'll step up to the responsibility. When this baby comes, we'll love it, I'll five it anything it could need, it'll never want for anything, because I love you and I'll love our kid." said jay.

Maggie looked at jay with tears in her eyes and threw herself at him. He grabbed her in a hug and picked her up. They went into the flat and we followed them inside. Jay sat on the couch with Maggie in his lap and Ellen leaned against the wall. "want to sit?" I asked, she shook her head. I noticed she never liked to sit and if she did, she always sat with a wall at her back.

I'd also noticed that whenever she walked into a room, she'd always look around and check everything out before she relaxed a little. "how far along are you?" asked jay as he ran his hand over maggies stomach. "don't know, at least two weeks." she said shakily. "well, at least you don't have to worry about drinking, you don't do that anyway." joked Tom, trying to lighten the mood.

"ya, guess not." said Maggie, then an awkward silence set in. "what are your parents going to do?" asked Ellen, Maggie shrugged. "don't know, don't care, I left home to come see you and after a huge fight, I said I'd never go back." replied Maggie. "oh...." Ellen trailed off. "so your parents and you got in a fight and you moved away, because of me?" she asked. "technically, but it would have happened eventually, they irk me so much." said Maggie quickly.

"but i fucked up yo.." she started. "babe,Maggie said it wasn't your fault,stop over thinking and stop over analyzing this, just relax, everything is ok." I said, she sighed and leaned her head against the wall. "ok Nathan, I trust you." she said and I nodded. "good, now, do you want some breakfast?" I asked, she shrugged. "come on." I said and stood up.

She followed me as I walked into the kitchen and and I opened the fridge. I pulled out some bacon and out it in a pan. Ellen sat down on the counter as I cooked it. She took out a plate and put it down next to her. "so....maggies pregnant..." I started. "I know, we always said I'd be the one to get pregnant first...I supposed technically I did...but we didn't think this would happen." she said sadly.

"hey, chin up, life is good, it can only get better." I said as I put bacon on her plate. She sighed and started eating. A song popped into my head and I grinned. I picked up my tea and started sipping. "don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be alright. Singin doing worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be alright. Rise up this mornin, smiled with the rising sun, three little birds, pitch by my doorstep, singin sweet songs of melodies, pure and true, saying this is my message to you..." I started.

"don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be alright. Singin don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be alright." I sang softly as I sipped my tea. Ellen smiled while she ate her bacon and everything seemed at peace for once. Until Maggie screamed and we both ran into the living room.

Jay was on the floor and Maggie was sitting on the couch. "why'd you scream?" I asked. "he fell and it scared me." said Maggie, Ellen rolled her eyes and walked back into the kitchen. "come on, I want some starbucks." she said, I grabbed my jacket and went outside with her. We walked down the street in silence for a while and I looked over at her.

"you aren't listening to music, did you lose your iPhone?" I asked. "no, I don't have headphones." she said. "well come on." I replied and we turned into an HMV. I walked back to the headphones and then we both stopped. "go ahead, pick one." I said, she looked around then grabbed the shittiest pair.

"babe, those suck." I said as I took them from her and put em back. "but e drugging else is expensive." she said. "ya, I know." I said and grabbed a pair of beats by dre, not the big headphones, but the earbuds. "but they're exp..." she started, but I interrupted her. "relax, I make enough money that we don't have to worry about this ok, just let me pamper you at least a little." I said as I went over and paid.

As we walked out a woman came near Ellen and she flipped out and yelped. "what was that for?" I asked as she finally calmed down. "sorry, I just, feel vulnerable." she said, I took her hand and led her down the street.

I turned the corner and went into a hardware store. I went to the counter and walked over to the lady. "can I see the Swiss army knives?" I asked, she opened the box and I picked around through them. After a lot of persuading I bought her a knife.

It had been about $150 so she hadn't wanted me to, but I'd bought it anyway. When we walked out of the store Ellen still had the knife in her hand. "see, you feeling better?" I asked, she closed it and shoved it in her pocket, then grabbed me in a hug. I stopped walking and hugged her back. "you will never understand how absolutely amazing you are." she started as she pulled me tightly against her. "and you'll never understand, how much you've made a difference." she sniffles.

"I love you Nathan,you're to kind and giving and caring and I've never met a boy like you." she pulled back and looked at me. "you've helped me move on and are trying your hardest to help me through this." she continued as she searched my face with her stunning eyes. "and I don't know what i did to deserve you Nathan, but I'm blessed to have you and you mean more to me then everything else in the whole world, I love you." she ended.

"I love you to baby." I said and kissed her, even though I feather tense, she tried to relax and she kissed me back. As I held her, I understood that she was mine, and she may be broken, but I knew I could fix her and I knew she'd try because we were in love and I never wanted it any other way.


So, what do you think?

For once I didn't leave you at a cliff hanger.

Sorry I haven't updated any of my stories recently, I've been blazing up and drinking and partying waaaaaaaay to much and haven't had time for writing, sorry guys.

Go check out wetwiconicluv because when you read her story TPS and vote on it, she'll update faster and when she updates, I'll update cause her stories make me happy

Anyway, comment vote and fan

The more comments and votes I get the faster I'll update!!! Xx

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