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Shayla POV
Kasely comes home from school with an attitude. "What's yo problem" "It's granny she's the principal but she treats me just like all the other kids in her grandchild she supposed to have my back but instead she gave me iss"

"KK, your grandmother is just doing her job, trust me yo brother and sister went through the same thing" "I know Ma but still" "What did you do anyways" "See well that's a long story, where's dad" "He's probably with your uncles, Sky should be back from her 3 o'clock class in a minute do you wanna go get lunch" "Sure ma"

I'll call Ms.Riley later to see what she did cause she wasn't trynna tell me. Pj walks in the house. "Hey Son" "Whats up Mama" "You know same ole same ole, what you got up" "Nothing I was On my way home from work and decided to stop by, where everybody at" "Yo daddy at the trap, Sky had class and KK upstairs"

"Is Granny at home" "Yea she should be she the one who dropped KK off" "well imma go see her I'll see you later ma love you" "Love you too Pookie" he looked back and shook his head. He know I was gonna still call him Pookie. "

After he left a few seconds later Sky walks in. "Hey did you see your brother" "Yea he gone to granny house" "Yea you know him he's a granny's baby, oh speaking of grannies your sister is mad cause y'all grandma gave her iss" "she can't get mad she know she's not granny at school she's principal Riley" "Yea I tried to tell her that"  we laughed and she went upstairs.

Kasely don't know her dad is a drug lord. Pj and Sky know because hecks we was around it but we made sure to protect KK so she doesn't know about that life. Speaking of Mr.Drug lord himself Kasen walks in.

"Hey baby how was your day" he walked in greeting me. "It was good, wby" "oh you know I'm always good in the hood" I laughed at him "babe you wanna go get lunch with the girls and I" "Yea that's cool let me go change"

Kasen POV
Shayla know she don't have to work but she insisted on it and tbh I'm not even mad at her. I didn't want her to be like Brenda anyways, a housewife and depending on her husband to take care of her.

I walked upstairs and in KK's room where I heard her and Sky talking. "Hey girls" "Hey daddy" "Sup OG Pops" "Skyla you are not hard but how was class today it was good" she said "Oohhhhh daddy yo mama gets on my nerves" KK said. "What she do"

"Man the teacher recommended me get ISS and she approved of it, she supposed to be my granny and gone give me ISS" "Kasely you know she not yo grandma at school and plus what you do" "I didn't do anything daddy that teacher just like picking on me, can you go talk to yo mama" "Yea babygirl I'll talk to her but y'all get ready we finna go eat"

I left out the room and went into mines. Shayla was up there getting out of her clothes and into something Comfortable "you could've wore your business suit to lunch it turns me on" "Ok Mr.Drug Lord you could've kept your Tshirt on with the blood stains on it you know I seen that"

I looked at her letting her know that wasn't funny. I mean it's not secret to what I do but I'm just trying to provide for my family. I put one kid through school off this lifestyle and I'm not gone stop until Sky and KK successful too.

"I'm sorry Kasen it was just a joke" "Yea whatever, let's go I'm hungry" I drove us all to Denny's. We sat down looking at the menu and the waitress came. "What can I get y'all to drink" since I know everybody drink I told her "my girls like lemonade and let me get a sprite"

She winked and took off to make the drinks. I hope Shayla didn't see that cause I definitely don't feel like arguing with her.

A few moments later she came back with the drinks and asked was we ready to order. Again I knew what everyone wanted so I ordered for them. "All these girls your daughters, you know people love men that take care of his kids especially his daughter"

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