Chapter 4 - Rosaline

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{ A/N - Okay, so this is officially the first chapter in your perspective. By the way, you're about 11 in this chapter, and Levi is about 16. }


My eyes snap open. My brother Rivaille is standing above me.

"Wake up. Father is taking us fishing." He says, then leaves my bedroom.

I furrow my brow, shrug, and then hop out of bed. My bare feet softly hit the old wooden floor, and I smooth my ratty nightgown. I pad over to my window. The sun has not yet risen, and it looks to be about 4:30 in the morning. I see the morning frost outside, and the sky is a bright gray.

I know Rivaille is impatient, so I quickly change into some pants and a warm long-sleeved shirt. I exit my room.

Rivaille and my father are in the kitchen talking quietly, so my mother must still be sleeping. I grab my jacket and pull on my boots.

"Okay, I'm ready." I say to them.

"Alright. Let's go." My father says, and with that, we are gone.


We hike through the thick forest. The only sounds are the birds beginning to chirp, and the brief conversations between me, my father, and Rivaille.

The pond we fish in is at the top of a large mountain. Our cottage is about halfway up the mountain, so it takes approximately 1 hour of hiking to get to the pond.

We are the only people who live on this large mountain. That is probably due to the fact that the mountain is not inside the walls that protect people from the Titans, but the height of the mountain has spared us from them for all these years.

Since we aren't citizens, we have to find our own food. My father, Rivaille, and I fish together, but I don't hunt animals with them. I'm still too young, they say. Eventually, I'll have to learn though.

The forest finally begins to thin, and the pond comes into view. It's sparkling in the morning sun, and light fog blankets the edges.

"Alright, let's get to work." My father says, and hands me and my brother each a fishing rod. We walk up to the edge and begin to prep the rods. My hands fumble with the fishing line, so Rivaille takes it out of my hands and begins to expertly fix the line.

"Here." He says eventually, and hands me my rod.

"Thanks." I say.

I throw my line into the water, and he does the same. We fish until the sun is above us in the sky, and we have enough fish to last us a month. Then, we pack up and begin the trek back.

About halfway into the hike back, I begin to daydream. I do this often, as it takes me away from my lonely life. Only this time, I'm not paying attention, and I clumsily trip on a root. In the process, I twist my ankle, and then sprawl onto the ground.

I sit up and wince. My ankle is throbbing, but I don't dare cry. My father and brother would never forgive me if I cried.

"Are you...okay?" Rivaille chokes out softly.

"I'm...fine." I say, a bit unsure if that is the truth.

"Here." He says, and holds his hand out to me. I grab it, and he hoists me up.

I take a step and whimper. "It really hurts." I whisper, so my father won't hear me.

He looks down at me curiously, a flash of sympathy in his eyes. He looks over to my father, but he is gone. I guess he didn't feel like waiting around for us. He turns his head back to me.

"Get on my back." He murmurs, and squats down. I hop on his back.

"Thanks." I say to him.

He's only taken a few steps when we hear my father scream. It echoes through the forest and I feel Rivaille tense up beneath me. He breaks into a ridiculously fast run, and I hold on for dear life.

When the cottage comes into view, Rivaille gently sets me down in the grass out front.

"I'm going to go see what happened." He pants.

He runs into the house before I can respond. After about 20 minutes, he returns.

"It's mom," He says, "She's dead."

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