Chapter 5 - Sorrow

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I sit there, motionless, for at least 5 minutes.

"...Dead?" I choke out. I notice now that Rivaille is throwing a tantrum.

"God damnit!" Rivaille screams, pounding his fists on an innocent tree, "Why us?"

I just bury my face in my knees. I hear my brother sit down next to me, and we entangle ourselves in a huge, crying mess.

Time passes quickly, and minutes turn to hours. The synchronized growling of our stomachs breaks us both away from our embrace, and I'm faced with a new question.

"Where is Dad?" I ask.

"When I walked in the house, Dad was running away. I don't know if we'll ever see him again, Rosie." He says sadly.

My heart sinks, and tears spring to my eyes, "So we're...alone?" I say, tears beginning to fall.

"Shhh, Rosie don't cry", My brother stops and wipes away my tears, "I promise I will protect you. We will avenge the Titans that killed our mother." He says softly.

"It was Titans?" I murmur.

Rivaille opens his mouth to answer, but is interrupted by a huge shake in the ground. We run over to the edge of the cliff, and look at the source.

"Is that...a titan? It's huge." I whisper.

A ginormous titan is walking up to Wall Maria. It stops right at the gate and then...kicks it open.

"Rosaline. We need to avenge our mother. We will become strong. We will train hard. And then..." He trails off.

"And then?" I ask.

"And then we will join the Survey Corps."

//~2 or 3 years later~//

Flying had to be the best thing ever. Well, technically I wasn't really flying, but 3dmg was close enough. It was the best day ever when Rivaille came back with them. I'd wondered where he'd gotten them, but he wouldn't tell me.

Right now, I was soaring through the trees. I was much faster than my brother in the air, but he was better on the ground. We set up fake Titans, and I was currently eradicating all of them.

Rivaille had told me when I turned 15 we could go join the Survey Corps. He said I was so good I probably wouldn't have to be a trainee. But my 15th birthday was 2 years away, so I was still training hard.

I return at night, and I am shocked to see the lights are off in the cottage. Is Rivaille not back yet? I open the door and walk inside. There is a note on the counter. It reads;

"Dear Rosaline,
I'm sorry, I had to leave. I couldn't wait any longer for you. I have left to join the Survey Corps. Please don't come looking for me. When you turn 15 do not join. I don't want you to get hurt. Please be safe. I love you.
- Rivaille "

By the time I finish the note, tears are threatening to spill over, but I don't let them. I crumble up the note, walk outside, and chuck the note into the woods.

I run back inside and jump on my bed. I pull the covers over my head and tears roll down my face, but I don't make any noise. My heart aches.

I am alone.

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