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instagram groupchat
— bingylisy
— comicboy
— fantasticlee
— thebillybatson

what the hell is that thing ?

what the hell is that thing ?

omg they are really twins they said the same thing at the same time *0*

no. they are soulmates.

lisa we already talked about it yesterday.

about what ?

about you.

and what about me ?


alie it looks like you don't like me i'm sad now :(

nobody loves you billy.


@fantasticlee:poor boy >:(

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poor boy >:(

stop bullying billy pls.
i didn't create this groupchat for that bitches.

call me bitch again and i'll kill you.

freddy bitchy.

alie noooo >:(

in your ass.


i hate all of you >:(


what ?

i want to meet you and billy, and alie want it too. sooo, i created this groupchat to prepare it >:)

that's a good idea.

why not. i want to go outside of gotham city for once.

nooo i want to come in gotham city !


@thebillybatson:you are powerful bc you use memes

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you are powerful bc you use memes.


@comicboy:okay i have to go bye

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okay i have to go bye.

@comicboy is disconnected

@bingylisy turned @comicboy in
"bitch 💖"

@bingylisy turned @fantasticlee in
"bitch's wife 💅"

@fantasticlee turned @bingylisy in
"dumb 🖕"

@thebillybatson turned @thebillybatson in "memesboy 😔✌️"

╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ╰┈─➤ ❝ the author's   
                                                speaking ❜❜

this chapter sucks sorry

hope you liked this chapter

♡ ࿔ ᥉᥆fiᥲ !

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