Chapter 16

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Third POV

Somewhere outside the crowd a boy with black and blue tips hair with a guitar case drapped over his back approaches the commotion going on at the cafeteria, ignoring his true purpose to go the cafeteria which is to get some lunch. With curiosity overwhelmed his hunger , He  pushed through the crowd.

Upon his arrival to his greatest shock a girl rather than aboy was pinned by a boy twice her size. And on the opposite there was a girl with a similar hair but ended with purple tips frantically seached for help as tears brimming on her eyes with an anxiety looks towards the crowds .

"Cheese and crackers, Juleka." He muttered. (Say cheese and crackers fast and you will get... )

Juleka scan around the room with fearful eyes as she spotted her brother. A relieve washed a bit of anxiety before turning her eyes to met her brother's once more as she motioned her eyes towards the fragile girl.

"H-e-l-p h-e-r " She motioned with their hand code they built during childhood. Even without his sister's hand code his intention was already fixed to saving the girl.

"Stop it!" He shouted before another blow were to met the brunette girl's ruined face. A wave of shock washed over marinette murderous intent.

"Who are you?" Lila spat as her enjoyment were ended like so.

"I wont introduce myself to the likes of you." He calmly respond as he made his way to the fragile girl.

"NOO!" Shouted hawkmoth somewhere in his villain liars. His butterfly has retreated unable to reach Marinette to the sudden change of emotion.

Marinette were stunned as she look over to the boy. Eyes still harp, determined not to lose to all of the shit. The boy masked his impressed look with his sympathetic ones. Juleka sign in relieve.

"Let go of her." He said as kim acted based on his fear, which is to step aside and release his grip on the brunette's hair.

" ughh.. what gives you the right to defend this bully! She had hurt my dear friend juleka! She must be teach a lesson!" Lila spat once more irritated by his response. A chorus of 'yeah' joined in as its intention was to attack the defender.

"From the looks of it, it looks like you guys are the bully. Secondly, even if you said is the 'truth', wouldn't it be a little immoral to do so. Its as if you are claiming her title as the bully, dont you think so. Plus juleka , the girl which you had said was bullied is desperate to safe her bully. Its a bit questionable ,isn't it? " staring towards lila with his calm eyes which somewhat frightening.

Lila gulp down the bulge formed on her throat as she stammered on several nonsensical sentences to defend herself before deciding to leave.

"Go on safe the villain here and become the villain yourself. You cant safe yourself with that pretty face." Lila stammered as she spin around to walk towards the exit with some of her companion including alix and rose. Juleka was dragged by the arm by rose but before she goes she mouthed a low apology to Marinette. Marinette nod as she formed a little smile ensuring juleka that she has accepted her apology.

The enterance of the boy has dismissed the crowds. The boy begun to make her way towards the fragile girl. "Lets go to the infirmary." He said supporting her.

"Fine you can caged it now, But you cant cage that feeling forever. Soon tou will explode to the most beautiful of my creature. Marinette ill be waiting for you to give me the miraculous" hawkmoth closes his liars as he laugh menacingly, retreating the butterfly.

A quite journey was endured comfortably. As marinette's head was full of thoughts. "I didn't do it." Marinette said in a low voice but enough to be heard. "Didn't do what?" The boy asked. " I didn't bully juleka. I didn't mean to accidentally dump a tray full of food to her. I tripped. Over some sly foot. " she emphasis the sly with anger as it turns back to normal.
"Yeah, i know." The boy respond with the same tune as hers as it somewhat soothes her.
" how?"
"Your tune was different than other bullies ive met."
"Lets talk this over inside."

They both step in to the infirmary.

[to be continued]


Ooo!! Who is this new boy! Will he be adrien's new rival?? Hohoho....^^

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