My girlfriend broke up with me through email about 6 months ago. Depression has been kicking back in. I've been purposely avoiding meals and my dad broke up with his girlfriend because she was cheating on him. This quarantine bullshit is wack. And I think I'm non binary but I dont care I identify has a fucking vagina at this point alright
I'm horny all the time.
I'm dying
I'm a very social person. I enjoy hugs and cuddling and I NEED HUMAN INTERACTION.
Update: my dads dead
Wow shit went downhill fast, in like a span of 2 months. I usually dont like telling other people my feelings because I fucking hate sympathy but here it goes.
I've picked up some bad habits. I've been drinking like every other week. I've been having at least one cigarette everyday which is a habit I am on the path of breaking right now and I haven't smoked in 2 days. See I dont like to talk about or feel my own feelings so I always end up resorting towards unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Okay back to my father, he overdosed a day before my 15th birthday which was may 18th, they were able to revive him and he was po it in the hospital for 12 days and died on may 29th. So if you ask me how I am or how I'm holding up I will either respond with I'm fine because this is something I'm trying to make myself believe or I will say I'm not okay if I really trust you.
Shits fucked.
Catch ya cunts