chapter 19

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         i woke up to richie whispering in my ear "wake up" over and over again. i blinked for a second and as soon as he saw my eyes open he whisper-yelled "yay you're awake!" "why were you trying to get me to wake up?" i asked, drowsily. "because i wanted to hang out, and i missed talking to you. i cant exactly talk to you when you're asleep."
i kissed his cheek and just blushed for a second before i said, "well, do you wanna go see the guys?" "yeah, i guess i probably should." he said, trying to hide the smile on his face. "oh shut up, i know you want to see them" i said, pushing his arm. "yeah, maybe i do." he said, laughing. "um, before we should go though, i think i should tell you something." richie immediately looked concerned. we sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed.
"so when stan and bill came home from the hospital, you know they were....basically high right?" "yeah, what's ur point?" richie asked. "so me and stan had a...interesting conversation, basically about how he was jealous of you." "me?" richie said, confused. "i think he likes me..." i trailed off. "well, nothing happened right?" "not with stan." i said. richie stayed silent. "bill kissed me. and i didn't want him to and i wish he didn't and i didn't mean to and i'm so so so sorry." i said. i could feel tears welling in my eyes. "hey, hey, hey, it's okay. i know you didn't mean to and it's not your fault if he kissed you." "but it is my fault i mean i shouldn't have been there and-" "no. it's unfair to blame this on you. they were both insanely high and you didn't kiss him so you shouldn't have to apologize for anything. you were doing your best to help them, and it's not your fault if they took advantage of that." i didn't have any words so i just hugged him.
we stayed like that for a solid 3 minutes before i pulled away and saw my tear marks on his sweatshirt. "oh god sorry i got my tears on your hoodie" i said, laughing. "it's okay." he said, laughing. he took the sweatshirt off and his shirt came up a little bit. all i was thinking is we're too young we're too young we're too young. he offered me his hoodie and i put it on. so now i had on his shirt and his sweatshirt. it smelled like him. i pulled the sleeves over my hands and richie just said "oh my fuck why are you so goddamn cute?" i laughed and he said "yeah sorry if that was needed to be said." i laughed again and pulled his arm "come on, let's go."
we ran downstairs and i called bills house. "hello?" "hey bill." "oh god, y/n..uhm." "don't say anything. i don't wanna talk about it. meet me and richie at the cafe. call the guys. see you there in 10." i hung up the phone before he could say anything more. "let's go." i said to richie, smiling. i hopped on my bike and yelled inside to my mom, "going to the cafe!! i'll be back for dinner!" richie got on his bike and we rode there together.
it was a surreal feeling. it felt like it had been so long since i'd seen him, but it really hadn't. i looked over at him, with the wind blowing through his hair, and i couldn't help but smile. i was actually happy. and not that fake happy where i'm hiding something and i have to pretend. really happy. which was something i hadn't felt in a very long time.

sry this chapter is shorter lol
but like we're almost at 20k reads and that is way too much i'm lowkey freaking out rn
ya that's all
hope u liked the chapter :D

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