New Relations

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3rd POV

It had been 1 and 1/2 years since Virgil, Deceit, and Remus disappeared. No one in Auradon knew where they went. Everyone carried around the suspicion that they were plotting against the school and kingdoms. And everyone carried the fear with them that they would attack.

Today, however, nobody was worried about the Villains. Why? Well, it certainly wasn't because they had been captured. No, today Prince Roman was being crowned King of Auradon! (Remember, Cinderella is in charge, not Beauty and the Beast) Everyone was getting on there best apparel to attend the Royal Coronation in which Fairy Godmother would get out her Magic wand and bless the new King. At this ceremony Cinderella and Prince Charming would hand there crowns down to Roman. Everyone expected Roman to be happy, but in reality, he was scared beyond his mind.

Roman POV

"Kiddo," Patton tried to comfort me as I paced back and forth. I was too deep in thought however, I knew that if, if he was ever going to show up again, it would be today. I had to be ready. "Kiddo, please." Patton kept on following after me trying to get me to out on my jacket, but I wouldn't stop pacing.

"Patton, what if... what if he shows up today?" Patton just sighed. "Roman, I talked to you about this. Virgil and the others haven't been seen for more than a year! What makes you think they're going to show up now?" Roman sighed. Patton was probably right. But still... "I just mean, if he was going to show up at anytime, wouldn't it be today?" Patton sighed and was about to say something but a deep voice stopped him.

"He is right." Patton turned around and then ran to the source of the deep voice. "Logie!" Patton exclaimed while hugging the man. Logan blushed, even though they've been dating for so long. After the hug Patton unlatched from Logan, but still stood at his side. The height difference was hilarious. "Wait." Patton paused. "What do you mean he's right?" Patton asked as he turned towards Logan. Logan sighed.

"Well," He began, "as Advisor to the King to be, I have to give, honest advice. There is a high chance that if Virgil and the others were going to show up anytime soon, it'd be today."

"See!" I shouted at Patton as I stopped pacing. My hands flung out jestering to Logan. "He knows' what he's taking about!" Patton sighed. I thought that this matter was finished so I went to get my jacket from Patton but Logan spoke up again.

"What I want to know however, is why you care so much?" I gulped. Logan was a smart guy so I knew what he was going to say and I did not like it. "What do you mean?" I pulled at my shirt collar. "I mean, do you care that he will show up and wreak havoc, or?"

"Or?" Patton asked confused.

"Or, are you nervous about seeing your ex again? My face instantly flushed. "Face it Roman. You're still not over Virgil."

"Yes I am!" I complained to Logan. Logan just raised his eyebrow. "Roman, you can't ever say his name. Face it. You are scared to see Virgil again because you still have feeling for him." My face went red but I remained silent. "Thought so." Logan smirked and walked out of my room.

"Come here Kiddo," Patton said, breaking the tension, "Let's finish getting you ready."

Virgil POV

Janus, Remus, and I watched from a television as Roman got his crown. "Can we go now?" Remus asked impatiently. I just sighed. "Patience Remussssss" Janus responded to him. It had been a year and a half since I have seen Roman in person and a lot has happened. Firstly, Janus has fully transformed. Half of his face is covered in scales, and from what I can tell it extends all the way down his body. Well, down half his body. I wouldn't know though, only Remus has seen Janus naked. (A/N OMGS I hate myself for writing that, on with the story)

Secondly, I have claimed my throne as Prince of the Underworld and Prince of Fae. And since both the original rulers are stuck on a magic blocked Isle, I am now King, of not one, but two Domains. Third, being King I needed to appoint some Royal personnel. Truth be told I felt really bad for Remus after he fessed up to what happened with his family. His parents ripped the title of Prince away from him, but that was his birthright. They had no authority to do that. So, I decided that Remus can be whatever royal title he wanted for either of my Kingdoms, well whatever one except for Prince, cause that means I would be his dad and...

Anyway, Remus decided to be the Duke of the Underworld! For some reason I thought he would pick Knight, but then I realized that that was more Roman than Remus. I haven't actually stopped thinking about Roman. Of course I wouldn't let Janus or Remus know that, but I just couldn't forget about him. That's why I'm so nervous for tonight.

"Virgil!" Janus snapped at me, "huh?" I had completely zoned out. "They started the feast!" My face went through a flurry of emotions. First panic, than shock, then worry, than I was happy because I would get to see Roman, than I was worried again because I would have to see Roman, and then, finally, I was calm.

"Are you all ready?" I asked my group. They nodded. "Alright then." I snapped my fingers and we reappeared in a cloud of purple smoak in the middle of a feast hall.


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