Intro 2

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Bradley will Simpson here, hopefully your thinking who I am, that would be a nice change. I know I'm not the Robert Downey Junior or the Van goth of music but trust me it does feel like it sometimes. I walk down the streets to get a meal deal and I have to wear sunglasses and a beanie just in case I get stopped. I adore my fans, our fans, I'll do anything for them and when I'm up on that stage with my life long friends with everyone singing our songs, it feels like I finally made it. We made it. We've adapted so much, James was supposed to get married last year to his lovely fiancée , if coronavirus didn't make its mark. Connor is living his life with his beautiful girlfriend, shouldn't really say girlfriend their more like soulmates. Tris is so cool, like my best friend is everything to me, and his drumming skills. I mean wow.
But me, yeah okay a load of teenagers want to marry me, sorry I can't. I don't know, there's something missing. The question is how I get it.

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