chapter 1

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"Aye get me some more light on the left side of ye stage toward Luke!" Screamed the camera man who sat next to me. The light flashed at Luke as he covered the light a little with his arm. I heard the faint snaps of his camera. The boys looked so punk rock, so grunge. So unamused.

"Hey calum, move closer to Luke. Go back to back and make it look like your jamming out. Ash, get ready to hit the drums super hard but pause yourself, and Mikey put your head down in a super All Time Low position."

They did just that and when it was perfect..
"STOP. STAY LIKE THAT." I screamed.

I tapped the camera guy as he took the pictures and looked at them.
"Wow these are really good, good job Sammy." He told me.

I smiled and took a drink of my Starbucks.

"Aye, babe give me some." Luke demanded, sticking his hand out as if I'd give him some.

"Did you even give me a chance to answer?" I replied with a soft smirk.

"No but you know you'll give me some." He replied with a smirk.

Ash jumped off the stage and sat right next to me taking my drink and pointing at the stage.

"Get up there Sam." He mutters. I look at him and laugh.

"That's funny. That's actually really funny." I say while getting up and taking my phone, my coffee and my binder.

"Mikey, are we dying it pink today?"

He looks down at me after tuning his guitar.

"Yeah, wanna do it now? Because we have an interview later and I want it for the show tomorrow."

I look at him and then at my watch.

"Alright we have time come on." I reply.

"I wanna come watch."
"Me too!!"
"Me three, I wanna watch."

I look at them and laugh a little grabbing michaels hand.

"You guys practice new music okay?"

Luke moved back and picked up his mic. "Kiss me Kiss me please."

I turn to him with a confused look at so does Michael.

"The uhm duh." He replied laughing it off.

As Mikey and I begin to walk away, I could hear them start playing the beginning of Kiss Me. It was one of my favorite songs. I watched them write it, on a tour bus driving 4 hours to Tampa, Florida on the tour. It as around the beginning of the tour when the boys and I got extremely close.

"Pink or or blue.." Mikey contemplated, looking at the two shades I had in my bag.

"Well, the pink looked really good. I thought it was the hottest hair color you pulled off. But the blue, well that shade of blue is something new. You know?"

He looks up at me with a smirk.
"You thought that hair color was hot? Then I chose pink."

I look at him and laugh a little. I get asked all the time. "Sam how do you handle not falling in love with one of the boys?" "Are you dating one?" "Does one like you?" My answer was always no. They were my best friends. I'll admit, once in a while I'll stare into Michaels dreamy eyes and think what COULD be but I never allow myself to burry my thoughts that deep.

"So I was gonna ask you something but I was waiting until we were alone..Sam would you like to go on a-"

"You're doing pink again? Why?" Luke shouts, walking into the room along with the rest of the band.

"Try red mike, I told you it would look the best." Ash stated, looking at me handing the red dye.

"No no no, you're all idiots. I want pink." Michael demanded getting up from his chair. "I'll do it tomorrow, sorry Sam."

"But Mikey you were supposed to tell me something.." I mummble.

He looks back from existing the room.
"Forget I ever said anything."

"So Sam I was thinking about more blonde highlights or light brown to you know, puff up the curls. I know how much you love my blonde curls." Says Ashton, plopping down in the seat in front of the mirror, messing with his hair.

"Fuck off mate she's doing me next. Ha...but seriously I need to get a trim." Says Luke as he runs his figures through his hair.

"I have an appointment for a clear cut tonight at around 7." Calum says with a smirk.

I look at him, utterly confused.
"What the hell is a clear cut?"

"Shh it doesn't exist. That's when we're gonna go on our date. I'm just trying to distract the boys." He whispers.

I slowly move closer to the door and when they weren't looking I ran like hell. I ran toward the back exit, I say them running behind me as I sped up. I made a run for the door and locked it on the way out. It lead me outside. The fresh air was much needed. I took it all in, fresh LA air was filling my lungs. But it wasn't filling Michaels. I hear a heavy cough come from the side of the building and there he was. Sitting on the cement smoking a cigarette.

"Give me that shit." I grab it from his hand and smash it with my foot.
"What the fuck Sam, that was my last one. You owe me now." He looked so angry, so lost, so hurt. I grabbed his hand and sat down next to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Your band mates are starting to piss me off. Right when I'm about to hear good news they ruin it."

He looks down at me, "What good news?"

I smile, moving my face closer to his while watching his lips. "You were gonna ask me on a date weren't you?"
He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Tonight, 8 pm? Meet me in the arena. Ill have a surprise waiting there for you." I smile and look into his eyes. I've always had a crush on Michael. Since day one. Yeah yeah yeah I lied. I did have a crush. But I couldn't say that to the world. Besides, the world wouldn't know.


And then I remembered why I didn't tell anyone. The pounding of feet from thousands of girls running to the back of the arena just to get a glimpse of Michael. He looked at me and smile "Mind if we finish this a little later? I'll go meet some of them." I smile and nodded letting go of his hand. He ran to a girl who was crying and gave her the tightest hug. I ran inside not to be seen and walked into my dressing room. I put my head down on my vanity and took a deep breath. I felt so at ease. Until I heard another pounding of the floors from running.

"I won!"
"No you didn't what the fuck?"
"Ash fucking tripped me that doesn't count."

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