Chapter 3

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three hours before the first show. I finished the British boys (with one Irish fella) and made my way to the aussie boys. I walked through the hallways in the basement of the arena. I made my way slowly into the room where they all were. I was wearing black leggings with a silver hoodie crop top. I had my hair up in a messing
bun and a head set on with my phone, green Lipton tea and a clipboard in my hand. I opened the door and walked in. Ashton was on top of Michael along with Luke and Calum sat on a chair in the back of a room with his guitar.

"Listen you shits. Today's your first show. You picked out your outfits. Make a good impression today, you guys are gonna do great. And another thing, Im single. And I'm going to stay single until the end of the tour. So no hitting on me, no funny business, no anything. I can be your friend, someone who helps you when you need them. But not a girlfriend. Understood?"

"You didn't mention a friend with benefits." Calum said with a soft smirk.

"You, fuck off." I replied. Luke and Ashton walked up to me and just laughed.

"What?" I said. Ashton looks at Luke then at me. "It's the first day of the tour and you've already got four guys who won't stop fighting and talking about you. Good luck with the whole not loving one of us, you'll need it." He says grabbing my ass as he walked out with Luke. Calum walks out the door next and looks at me with a smirk. I sit on the chair in front of the vanity. I look into the mirror and I see Michael sitting there.

"I called dibs. I called dibs on you first." He says, I look at his crossing my eyebrows. "Okay great?" I reply.

He gets up and sits on the seat with me and looks at me. "Because I knew I'd like you. And I hoped you'd like me too. Then Calum said he wanted you, so did Ashton and Luke. So I took matters into my own hands, Im sorry if that made you uncomfortable." He says looking down at the table, putting his head on my shoulder. I pat his head, kissing his head. He thought it was all his fault. I felt so bad, my heart twisted in pain from guilt. I just wanted to scream that it wasn't his fault, it was his fucking band mates. He got up and fixed his hair in the mirror. "Im gonna be late, I got to go. I'll see you later." I nod and smile at him as he walks out the door. I sighed and got up, walking to the side of the backstage area. I heard all the screaming from all the girls. The music stopped playing, the lights went down. All the screaming increased and I heard Mickey stroke his guitar. I walked a little more toward the side of the stage, putting in ear plugs.

They got the stage for an hour. Once they got off I hugged each of them as tightly as I could. "Great job guys! Honestly you all amazing. I feel so hyped right now!" I jump on one of them, but I didn't notice it was Calum. He started laughing and held me tightly. When he let go, Ashton grabbed my waist and hugged me. "Thank you, we're really glad you liked it." I smile and walk them to the dressing room. "Okay so guys, we have an issue. One of you have to sleep on a separate bus because of a situation that's been going on in your bus. Now I don't know this situation or do I even want to know, but I was informed that you'll know exactly what I'm talking about." Luke starts laughing and Calum punches him in the arm, raising his in the air. "I'll go." He proclaims. Michaels eye move straight into mine, and I nod at Calum. Michael walks into the bus and slams the door. Calum grabs my hand and walks me to my bus.

"I don't like you." I tell Calum. He looks at me laughing while closing the door behind him. "Why? If it's because I hit you, you don't understand how sorry I am for that. I've never done that in my life, I think its from all the anxitey I was feeling for this new tour. I'm so sorry." I walk to the back of the bus into my room as he follows. We both turn around to the sight of the bus driver telling us we're about to leave. I jump into my head rubbing my eyes. He lays down next to me and I push his body right off the bed. "No get out. You're sleeping on the floor." He looks at me with anger. "What the fuck? Why?"

I look at him and laugh. "Because I said so." He jumps back on the bed but lays on top of me. I scream with laughter. "Get off of me you fatass!" He laughs and starts tickling me. I laugh harder, trying with all my force to push his sweaty body off of mine. I felt his soft fingers on my neck. Something about him, what the fuck was it. Something pulled me back into looking into his eyes. He laughed a little, his smile was so clean and bright. He caught me staring at his lips. His smile faded as he pressed his hand onto my cheek, pulling my face closer to his. I held his hand that was leaning on my cheek, he brushes his lips against mine ever so softly. "Samatha! Here you go, you forgot your iPad in my dressing room OH." Niall makes his way into the back of the bus just after I push Calum off the bed. "Niall, give me that iPad. You came here, gave me the iPad and that's all you did right? You didn't see anything? RIGHT?" he nods laughing a little, "Zayn owes me 50 bucks. We called it that it would be Calum." He jumps in the air as he walks back outside. "You're millionares, why 50 bucks?' I shout to him. "It's a band thing." he shouts back leaving the bus. I look down at Calum as he nodds. "It actually is a band thing."

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