Now this part is for all those who have lost their Voice and are silent all because of how they were neglected and ignored... Well I'd say it's time you got your Voice back😌
Why do I have to be so damn perfect? Why do I have to stick to the status quo? Why do I get not to act things I felt? Why do I have to be invisible?
Why were the Grasses green? Why was the Sky blue? Why was there something called Death? Why couldn't I have all I wanted?
Curiosity had the whip hold over me, My questions never received answers;not by anyone. Always told to stop being inquisitive, "Keep quiet"; they always said.
Silenced by Many, I have lost my Voice. Ignored by All, I'm not willing to come out of my shell.
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I'm sorry for not updating sooner; I've been so busy😭😪, but I finally updated today and I really hope you enjoy it. Remember to click on that cute little star when you are done reading😌😌
And this part is dedicated to all readers,thank you so much for reading 🤭💖💖.Good Morning
P.S:I might be dropping something after this,it isn't a poem though😂😂