Chapter Eight: Feyre

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A/N: Thank you @Christine414 and @hshankar8009 for voting! Btw, longest chapter yet coming up. Over 1500 words! Yay!

Everything was going to hell. The next morning, Elain was still resting, but was unresponsive. None of the other high lords have acknowledged Mor's request for a meeting, and Amren still looked pretty shaken. And Feyre was worried. Just as she was about to let Rhys know what was going, a familiar voice filled her head.
Feyre darling, don't be alarmed but we have a problem, Rhys said, panic in his voice.
Rhys? What's wrong? I've got an issue here too! Feyre yelled down the bond, her anxiety rising.
A prisoner has escaped the Prison, and is trying to wreak havoc on our world. Rhys opened his mind to her, and let her see what had happened.
I've never seen Azriel that upset. And how did a prisoner escape? I thought that wasn't possible! Feyre responded, then showed Rhys what had happened with Elain.
Oh no. We barely survived the War, now we've been thrusted into another possibly life threatening situation, and you're with child! Shit, this timing is awful, Rhys recounted. Feyre could just imagine him, pacing in the snow, running his hands through his jet-black hair and over his handsome face.
What are we going to do? Feyre asked quietly, contemplating the next course of action.
We need to tell the other high lords, but we also need to hunt this creature down before something catastrophic happens, Rhys answered, but I need to be with you.
     I understand, but you can't be two places at once. Stay with Cass and hunt down that prisoner, tell Azriel to send some shadows with you, then tell him to haul ass back to Velaris with Nesta. Then he, Mor and I will handle the meeting, Feyre said, pure command falling into her voice, Amren will guard Velaris and my sisters.
      Will do, High Lady, Rhys responded, keep me updated, I love you both.
      We love you too. Then, Feyre got ready for the meeting, donning a stunning dress full of hidden compartments for weapons. Cauldron boil her, her back hurt. After she was dressed, she sought out Mor.
     "Have any of the high lords responded yet?" she asked.
     "Yes. Thesan has offered to host again, Tarquin, Kallias, and Helion, will show. Beron is a tentative yes, but it took some coaxing from Eris. No response from Tamlin," Mor answered.
      "Good enough. Tell them the meeting is this afternoon, in Dawn. No exceptions. We leave as soon as Az gets her," Feyre commanded. Mor just nodded, flashing Feyre a smile.
     That afternoon, after a lot of push back about the time being so soon, Feyre and the High Lords of Prythian gathered in the Dawn Court. Even Tamlin showed, looking a little worse for wear. They all sat in the usual circle of chairs, this time outside, around a beautiful reflection pool. Azriel was sitting to Feyre's left, Mor on her right.
      "Alright, what was so important that we all had to gather immediately because of a so-called emergency," Beron drawled,  casting a scathing glare in Feyre's direction. She stood, a couple eyes widening at the sight of her large belly.
     "I'll cut to the chase. An inmate has escaped from the Prison. One who can open doors between worlds." As soon as Feyre made the announcement, lords began standing up, shouting at one another.
     "How is that even possible!" Tamlin yelled a Helion.
     "I thought it was the Night Court's job to monitor the Prison!" Beron screamed at Feyre. It was quite the commotion, as they all feared what could happen to them. Feyre held up a single hand, waiting for silence, the dominating presence in the circle. As everyone quieted down, Feyre spoke.
     "According to Amren, the only way to leave the Prison is to bind oneself to a different body, meaning our escapee is probably in a fae body. The Night Court was just made aware of the issue, so they can't have gotten far, and Rhys is currently hunting it right now. Also, the Prison sits on neutral land, so this is a problem for all of us—" she glared a Beron, then continued addressing the group, "now, this prisoner can open doors between worlds, meaning we don't know who or what could appear in Prythian. Monitor your citizens closely, search for anyone or anything that looks or feels out of place. And if you do find something, let all of us know, immediately."
     "Why should we believe you?" Beron asked accusingly. Just as he finished speaking, a swirling black hole appeared high above their heads. The high lords paled at the sight of it, and Mor, Az and Feyre assumed a fighting stance. Then, two figures fell from the sky, then slowed down. One human, and one fae, from what Feyre could see. They slammed into the pool, splashing everyone standing around it. As the Lords and Lady wiped the water from their faces, the pair went back to back, assumed perfect fighting stances, and surveyed their surroundings with expert eyes, wary. Feyre examined them. Surprisingly, they were both human, a man and a woman, but emanated huge levels of power. Interesting. She could have sworn the woman was fae earlier, but she was clearly human now. Feyre watched as the woman palmed two wicked looking daggers and said,
     "Someone better start talking. Who are you, where are we, and how did we get here?" She spoke with such authority and power, that Feyre almost answered her. The woman was beautiful, with stunning eyes filled with fire and a cunning mind working behind them.
     "I don't think you're in the position to be making demands, little human," Tamlin drawled, "who are you two is the better question." The man just glared, his hands up and ready, clearly letting the woman speak.
     "If you must know, I'm Celaena, and this is Sam. And I think it would be in your guys' best interest to answer our questions," the woman, Celaena, answered, smirking.
     "Is that so?" Helion said, bemused. Almost like he wasn't bothered by her bold words. Celaena's smirk fell off her face, and pure, unadulterated sorrow filled her eyes for a brief second, quickly replaced by a hard glint.
     "Who. Are. You. Where. Are. We." Celaena demanded, accentuating each word. Feyre took this opportunity to try to penetrate their minds. Celaena's was surrounded by a wall of solid wildfire. Completely impenetrable. Interesting. A human has never had such a shield before. Feyre turned her focus to Sam. His mind was left unprotected. She dove in, sorting through, picking it apart for clues as to what these people were doing here. She quickly found out what his real name was, Dorian, and that he was king of a place called Adarlan, in Erilea, a different world. Some areas of his mind were blocked, even to Feyre, but what she saw of his surface memories.....Cauldron....this man has been through so much. It was terrible, horrifying, awful. She quickly retreated, shocked to her core.
Rhys you have to see this, she said into his mind and opened hers to him. After seeing what Feyre saw, Rhys said, Bring them to Velaris. Now. Before another court takes them. Feyre returned to reality as the Lords introduced themselves and explained that they were in Prythian.
     "And you will be coming with me," Beron announced and went to grab Celaena's hand. Suddenly, a silver blur whizzed past Beron's face, nearly cutting off his ear, then embedded itself in the stone wall behind him. It was a dagger. And Celaena was only holding one now. Beron looked back at the blade, the whipped his head to Celaena, incredulous.
     "You dare attack a High Lord?" Beron roared and made to fight back. He then found himself unable to move. Almost as though he was held down by invisible hands. Now both Dorian/Sam and Celaena were smirking. Celaena approached a frozen Beron. The rest of the High Lords were still, unsure what to do.
     "Don't you dare attempt to touch a lady again without her permission," Celaena cautioned, bringing her blade dangerously close to his exposed neck. Feyre almost laughed at the sight. A human girl threatening a High Lord. "Or else," Celaena continued, "I will bury this dagger where you deserve it." Beron was furious, his face a bright red.
     "As for who we will be travelling with, since you lot clearly can't share," Celaena said sarcastically, drawing closer to Sam/Dorian. She looked each High Lord in the eyes. When she got to Feyre, Feyre stared back, letting some of her past creep into her eyes. "The pregnant High Lady. We will return to...the Night Court, as you call it?" Celaena commanded. Feyre smiled, more like bared her teeth.
     "As you wish," she said, happy that the pair would come willingly. Feyre extended a hand, as Mor did the same.
     "You can't just decide for yourself where you will stay," Tamlin argued.
     "Yes, actually, we can," Celaena responded sassily, grabbing Feyre's hand and Sam/Dorian grasping Mor's. Azriel put a hand on Mor's shoulder as they winnowed to Velaris, leaving a bunch of dumbstruck High Lords, gaping at the spot where two humans had just showed them up.

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