Author's Note

2.5K 54 62

Sorry, not another update. First of all, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for reading this. 2k reads! That still shocks me. Extra thanks to this who voted/commented, I appreciate it and I love hearing your thoughts and opinions on my story/writing. Just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a short little break from writing for the next week or so. It's a holiday weekend here in Canada, and I plan on spending some time with my family outside, now that the weather has *finally* gotten warmer. (Although it snowed last week 😬) Anyways, I hope you all are doing well!

Quick question (this is kinda weird but I'm curious): When you think of Canada, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

I'm asking because in school we used to do this project where we would pick a country and research it (we were never allowed to pick our own), so I've always wondered, what do people who may/may not have been here associate with Canada? 😁

Yours truly,
~Livinderdeep 💕

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