Chapter Ten: Aelin

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A/N: Thank you @Elide7 and @GhostLeopard_LA for voting and commenting!

     If someone didn't answer all of her gods-damned questions, Aelin was going to start throwing knives. After grabbing the Lady of Night's hand, they were teleported (Feyre called it winnowing) into a huge, rocky cavern, with intricate designs covering the walls. At the back wall stood a huge, onyx throne, which dominated the room. This "winnowing" seemed a lot like Fenrys' magic. Gods, it had only been a few hours and Aelin was already missing Terrasen, and Rowan. The mating bond was stretched tight between them, but it was definitely still there. Good. At least Rowan was still safe, and so was her country. As for her and Dorian, the High Lady seemed to be a lot more fierce than she had let on. With her two companions flanking her, she commanded, "We are going to have a conversation as soon as my mate gets back, and you are going to answer our questions."
"Like hell we are," Aelin snarled, baring her teeth.
"Must I remind you, human, that there are other ways to get answers," Feyre answer as the male with wings drew a wicked looking knife. Dorian visibly paled.
"Until then, you will be locked in a chamber, because you lied to the me about your names, so I can't trust you to roam free in MY court. If you two cooperate, maybe we can find a better spot for you to stay," Feyre said, smirking. Then, she vanished to gods-know-where, leaving the blond-haired female and the winged male.
     "Now, if you'll follow me," the female said, surprisingly cheerful. Dorian and Aelin followed, taking in their surroundings, the male trailing behind.This underground building was massive, a sprawling cavern with many, many rooms. Even with her human ears, Aelin could hear what sounded like a party in another space. Wait. She was human again. That's not possible. She gave up her mortality to forge the lock. Her human self died. Her fae body was permanent. Aelin reached inward, toward her now-small well of water magic. There. Right beside was the ocean of fire she missed. Her magic had returned. Perhaps it was this different world, with different gods and rules. Aelin's most powerful weapon was now back in her possession, right when she needed it most.
     "In here." The female opened a heavy door, with many locks and ushered them inside. As soon as they stepped inside, heavy wooden manacles were clamped on Dorian and Aelin's wrists then attached to a wall by the male. Aelin cursed herself for not watching him. Swiftly, he confiscated all her and Dorian's weapons, and patted them down.
     "Just a precaution," the female said, cheerfulness gone. With that, the male and female left, locking the many locks behind them.
     "Well, shit," Dorian said, "this is not how I expected today to go." Aelin made sure no one was watching or listening. The coast was clear.
     "Me neither," Aelin responded, chuckling. "These amateurs. Locking us in wooden manacles, not iron. What if we have magic? And no guards? They really don't think humans are dangerous to them, do they?"
     "I guess not," Dorian answered, "let's show them how afraid they really should be." He gave Aelin a look. A truly wicked smirk spread across her face.
      "Are you ready for a little hell-raising, my friend?" Just as Aelin was about to dislocate her shoulder and slip out of her chains, the blond one returned.


     Feyre was pacing back and forth in the River House. Mor and Azriel were still in the Court of Nightmares, keeping Keir from finding Dorian and Celaena in one of the chambers. Feyre couldn't imagine what he'd do to two humans. She shuddered. Was Rhys okay? Where are him and Cassian? Who are the people she just locked up? Allies? Enemies? Is Elain okay? Is her baby going to be okay? What's going to happen to her family? The questions kept coming, drowning Feyre is a sea of worry, until Rhys entered her mind.
I've got the two foreigners, but they're making us fly back. We'll be at the Court of Nightmares in a couple minutes. These guys are dangerous, I think. One is half human-half high fae from her scent, and the other is a peregryn-type I've never seen before. Neither are the escapee
     Okay. I'll meet you there. I've locked up the two humans, one's got a ton of spirit, the other is more quiet. They both move like fighters and interestingly, have strong mental barriers and maybe even magic, Feyre answered, still worried. She cut the connection and winnowed back to the Court of Nightmares, awaiting her mate's return.

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