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Tatiana POV
Slowly groaning at the sound of Alexander's voice, "gattina" he calls out making me groan, "what" I say, "wake up" he says making my eyes slowly flutter open meeting his green ones, "what time is it?" I question, "4:45" he whispers making me roll over, "no" I groan before shutting my eyes. The moment is short lived as the duvet is snatched off my body making me gasp at the sudden air, "Alex!" I yell, "wake up" he says sternly making me gasp, disappearing into the closet, coming back with a pair of black  gym tights and a pink tank top, "we going to workout" he says making my jaw drop realizing he's actually in his black football shorts and a grey sleeveless gym shirt exposing his large arms, "can we go later" I groan, "no, come on!" He yells getting me out of bed.

Making my way outside finding a stretching Alex, "you late" he says, "what , I didn't know I had a gym date" I furrow my brows, "and as far as I know I'm currently underweight so what point are you making?" I sass, making him walk up to me. "When I was recovering, working out helped flush my system" he whispers to me, "and most of all it helped me clear my head a little" he says staring into my eyes, patting my shoulder, "let's go" He says sprinting out the gate making me groan before following him. Running with my tiny frame one would think it's easier instead 10 minute into it I felt like I was dying, Alex running ahead of me, "Alex" I call out crouching down trying to catch my breath, running over to me, "I can't, I'm about to die" I say breathing heavily, furrowing his brows, "we just warming up" he shrugs, "what?" I say tiredly, "yes, come on 10 minutes and I promise no more running, though you practically walking" he says before jogging off making me send him a glare. After 9 years of marriage this was my first time ever working out with Alex, looking at his body I obviously knew he has intense workouts but I had no intentions of joining him because of this exact reason...

Breathing heavily as I stood in front of him in our backyard, "I thought you said we done after the run" I breathe tiredly, "no, I said no more running" he corrects making me roll my eyes. Walking over to me with a pair of pink boxing gloves, strapping my hands up before putting them on. Placing his hands on my wrists, helping me with my stance as he taught me the basics, how to keep my feet on the floor and to to properly throw the punch without hurting my wrists.
Standing in front of me with the large leather punch mitts, "come on go!" He says. Throwing hard punches, sweat began to drip off my skin as it intensified, introducing kicking and ducking, feeling the frustration I was feeling slowly wear off as I threw more punches, unleashing all the emotions, anger, and frustration I felt, this going on for 45 minutes before I tiredly dropped to the floor. Breathing heavily as he lay next to me, "how you feeling?" He questions, "like I just ran a marathon" I say making him chuckle, "but I'm proud of you" he says getting up, helping me to my feet as I groaned out, "come, last lap" he says making me raise my brow at him, chuckling at my reaction, "I'm joking, we done for the day" he says making me sigh in relief....

Taking a shower a smile made its way to my face. As much the workout was tough but I was spending time with my husband, no arguments, no intense conversations and definitely no Rosalina. It was just us having some fun while breaking a sweat . After 6 months of being abused for the first time I didn't tense up when he touched me, instead I felt sparks when he would stare into my eyes, gently touch me, like I was getting to know him again. I guess with the recovery I had my good days and bad days, the trembling had gotten better, and the stomach cramps had subsided....

Sitting out in the garden as I read a book, the warm sun hitting my skin as I got lost in the story, "excuse me" a voice says making me look up at the beautiful African American woman from last night. Taking in her features, her dark curls were tied in a bun, her brown eyes wide, one would notice her flawless chocolate skin with a beauty spot on her left cheek. Looking down her light plump lips making her features a lot more familiar.  "Hi" I smile, "uhm, I never got your name yesterday" I say, "Oh it's Alexis" she smiles offering me her hand, "Tatiana" I smile, "uhm..I just wanted to thank you for last night, I know it was unprofessional of me, I assure you it won't happen again" she says making me smile, "again it's okay, speaking of which is Isis okay?" I ask, nodding her head, "yes, she was able to go to school today" she says. "Please excuse me if I'm being rude but you look like someone I know  where are you from if I may ask" I say, "oh I came with Mr Wilson, I'm his wife's cousin" she says shyly, "Lizzy's cousin?" I ask, nodding her head, "ohh it explains the resemblance" I say making her laugh, "we get that a lot" she smiles, "uhm, I was one of the women she was helping in her organization, I wanted a fresh start and I guess Italy is the place" she says, "oh so you just came, have a seat so we can talk more" I smile. Getting to know Alexis more I actually found out she's from New York, she ran away from her abusive ex husband who would find her anywhere she went. She's 26, doesn't speak much Italian and has started studying to get her life together. Enjoying her company I realized we had a lot more in common as she was once an addict. Her presence makes me somewhat excited me because i finally have someone I can relate to since I was never good at developing friendships....

Third Person POV
Hearing the knock on the door, "come in" Alex says as Dante sat across from him, the man they had met up with appearing before them. "I  must say Giordano, your home looks-" "take a seat" Alex cuts him off as he plopped down in front of them. "My offer is 2 million Euros, you give us the information and you get your money however you prefer, you screw us over, I kill your entire family" Alex shrugs. The man raising his brow, "Giordano you and I both know that 2 million Euros is nothing to you, you make that in what 24 hours" "20 minutes" he corrects, "exactly" the man says, "how about you sweeten it and make it 10" the man says making Danté and Alex raise their brow. "Let me get this right, you get 10 million for just giving me the security layout of the Gonzalez, you don't go to war, you don't go through any troubles, hell you don't even question anyone and I just award you with 10 million euros when I could have beat the information out of you" Alex questions making the man shrug his shoulders..

Tatiana POV
Making my way over to Alexander's office, stopping in front of the door my brows furrow at the voices, leaning in closely. "Look Giordano, you got your precious pearl, there's nothing to really complain about but ending the Gonzalez" the voice says making my knees weaken. The sound of the voice familiar as it rang in my ear. Gasping for air as confusion and fear filled me.
Feeling the painful slaps on my cheek making my eyes flutter open,  meeting the brown ones I dread making me lowly groan, "there we go" he smiles sadistically before forcefully capturing my lips in a French kiss, feeling his hands on my folds, "no, I can't anymore" I groan tiredly, sucking on my neck as I helplessly lay there, "n..no" I plead, the door swinging open. Unable to lift my head to see who it is, "so this is Giordano precious pearl" the voice says gruffly..
End of flashback

My eyes blurring with tears as no sound seemed to leave my mouth........

Hmmmm who is this man exactly???

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