Chapter two: Country spirit - Cora

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" YEEEE-HAAAAAAWWWW!" Orange blurr run passed by, as it shows a adult female, riding on her horse, as her hair wipe around by the wind. She has a huge grin on her face when she arrive at the far, where her family works there. She got down at her horse as she said," thanks for a ride jessie" she pat the nuzzle of the female horse as she bring her to the barn. As she was done doing that, she was tackle by her little sister, Aj or Apple Jack.

I know why she name her that cause when cora was 4, when she meet her little sister, she called her that because she was holding a toy from mlp. " sis!"" Woah-hoh! Hold on there sugar-cube, ya almost make me fall over! So, what's brings ya here Aj?" She asked as Aj beam at her, saying," mom and dad was waiting for ya!" Cora smile as she rub her little sister head, then stood up." Welp. Time to head home. Cmon Aj! Ya gonna left behind"" Okay, big sis!"

As she arrive at the house, were Cora notice her parents were waiting outside. She smile and said," howdy mom! Howdy Dad!"" Hello Cora" said the mother as her father gave cora a hug." So.....when are you gonna pack?" Oh! That's right, Cora was about to move on to the new place with her friends." Maybe now. Since i'm done all th chores here. Ya sure ya'll gonna be okey while i move on?" She asked with a worry look on her face. Her father smile as he gently pat her shoulder," Don't worry Cora. Our family generation are popular when it comes to harvest the healtiest food! We all going to be find." Cora nodded at her father and smile." Ok. If ya say so. I'm gonna start packing."

" Oh! I wanna help to big sis!" Cora smile at her little sister. She and her little sister went to her room as she start packing. While packing Cora start making a beat, as she sang, making Aj beam happily that she was about to listen her big sister for the last time.

Jenny grew up wild, like a blackfoot daisy
Out in the shack with a blue tick hound
Broke as hell, but blessed with beauty
The kind that a rich man can't turn down
She caught the eye of an oil man dancing
One summer night in a dime store dress
She had the looks, he had the mansion
And you can figure out the rest

It was all roses, dripping in diamonds
Sipping on champagne
She was all uptown, wearing that white gown
Taking his last name

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing
And up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singing
Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright
And just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing
Yeah, they're ringing

Jenny was hosting Junior League parties
And having dinner at the country club
Everyone thought they were Ken and Barbie
But Ken was always getting way too drunk
Saturday night, after a few too many
He came home ready to fight
And all his money could never save Jenny
From the devil living in his eyes

It was all bruises, covered in makeup
Dark sunglasses
And that next morning, sitting in the back pew
Praying with the baptist

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing
And up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singing
Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright
You just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing
Yeah, they're ringing

Jenny slipped something in his Tennessee whiskey
No law man was ever gonna find
And how he died is still a mystery
But he hit a woman for the very last time

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing
Standing there in a black dress singing, singing
Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright
And just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing
Yeah, they're ringing

After she sang, they were done packing. Aj was clapping her hands as she went to hug her sister." Ya sang beautiful Big sis! I wish i can sing like you!" Cora smile as she hug her little sister then start spinning her around earning laughter from the little one as she sang the chorus more. The parents, who watch them at the door entrance with a smile on their face, seeing their children spending one another for tha last time. Cora notice her parents watching them, she motion them to join in. Her father grin as he lift up his wife, who yelp and laugh as he entered Cora's room. He set his wife down, and start dancing with her. Aj laugh as she dance with her full family. Cora smile as she continued singing around.

Next day,
Cora hug her parents as she said good bye to them. Then she look down to her little sister, who was crying in sadness. Cora smile as she kneel down in front of her," Aj, don't cry sugarcube. Promise me ya take care our parents while i'm gone?" She said as Aj wipe away her tears and smile at her as she said," i promise! I promise big sis!" Cora smile as she hug her and pulled away. She went to waiting uber, she hop in as she wave good bye to them, as they uber car start to drive away. Cora saw them waving good bye. She even saw her little sister run a bit, while waving good bye as she stop.

Cora smile as she look forward, fixing her hat a bit as she continued to watch outside to see her home is getting smaller and smaller until she couldn't see her home any more. She sigh as she looks up in the sky as she hum the song a bit. She didn't notice her necklace, start to glow orange then fade away.

And cora was the the Spirit of Country music.

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