What Happened

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-Yuu's POV-

We walked out of the room where Y/N was.

I felt angry. I don't know why, but I was.

'She left and abandoned me. And when I finally have her back she still is trying to leave me! Why!?' I thought frustrated.

"Are you okay, Yuu?" I heard Shinoa ask me.

"No. I feel hurt and betrayed. She abandoned us! And now that I have her back, she just wants to leave me all over again! It's not fair! We were engaged, damn it! Does our engagement mean nothing to her!?" I yelled slamming my fist on the wall next to me.

"Yuu..." Shinoa said sighing.

"I want to hate her... But I can't help but love her... I love her so much that sometimes I feel like I have to tie her up and hide her somewhere so I'm the only thing she'll ever have in her world just so I can have her and be with her..." I said to everyone.

"Welcome to the club. How do you think I've felt when all of you kept stealing her away from me? Especially you. Yuu." Guren said with a dark expression on his face.

I looked up at him with my eyes widened.

"Me? What did I do?" I asked.

"Tch. Do you not realize who she loved when she came to this world? It was me. She told me herself. But when you started flirting with her, her feelings became messed up. You and I are so similar her feelings got confused and she started to think she was in love with you. When, in fact, she was actually deeply in love with me. Out of everyone here, I hate you the most, Yuichiro Hyakuuya. You stole Y/N from me. I, honestly, wish I had only taken in Y/N from the vampires. And left you to fend for yourself." Guren growled out.

Mika took out his sword.

"If you really think that, then maybe I should just kill you here and now so you won't lay your tainted and manipulative hands on either of them." Mika said.

"That's enough. Vampire. And besides, I know for a fact she would have chosen me." Kureto said.

Mika put away his sword.

"And just how do you figure that Kureto?" Shinya said.

-Guren's POV-

"We already kissed." Kureto said.

"The way she pushed you away and called you a, what was it again? A psycho, says otherwise." I stated.

"At least she didn't push me away right away." Kureto said crossing his arms in defense.

"Sure. If telling yourself that makes you feel better about yourself then, by all means, delude yourself." I said.

Shinya laughed.

"God! Why don't we just let her decide! It's not like we can force her to be with us!" Kimizuki yelled.

"Yeah! We should let her decide!" Yuu shouted in agreement.

"Shut up! You only want that, because you manipulated her feelings so she would love you!" I yelled at him.

"Are you looking to die, human." Mika said threatening to take out his sword.

"Try me, blood sucker." I threatened back putting my hand on the hilt of my sword to show him that I'm ready to attack him at any given moment.

"C-can't we all just calm down. Y/N wouldn't want us to fight over her. And I'm sure she has her reasons for leaving us. This is Y/N. She's still the kind, caring, free-spirited, beautiful, smart, charming, and understanding, as well as strong... Y/N we know and love. Let's just... Give her some time..." Yoichi said to us.

"I agree. She'll tell us her reason for leaving soon enough. And eventually, she will have to make a decision. On one of us, I mean." Kimizuki said.

"They're right. Right now, it's just the waiting game." Shinoa told us.

"I also agree with them. She'll tell us eventually. I'm positive she will. Let's just wait for her to do so." Mitsuba stated.

We all were silent for a moment.

"Alright. In the mean time I want everyone to try and convince her to stay. Is that understood?" Kureto said.

They all nodded.

I just grunted.

"Alright. Everyone's dismissed." Kureto said.

And we all left the room.

As I was leaving the room a thought hit me.

'This is the perfect chance to get her to choose me.' I thought as I started grinning to myself happily.

Plans on how to get her back to my side forming in my mind as I walked away towards my office.

Meanwhile with Y/N

-Y/N's POV-

'What's up with that conversation? Guren... I didn't realize he sees things that way... But to blame it all on Yuu when I also have blame for how things went...' I thought to myself silently.

My ear was pressed up against the door, or wall where the supposed door was, that only opens on the outside. Making me stuck in here until someone gets me out.

I was trying to figure a way out of this place (to no avail, obviously) but when I heard Yuu's heartbroken voice... My heart shattered...

"I didn't know they all felt that way about me... Maybe... It wouldn't be so bad to be upfront with how I feel. No. I have to be upfront with how I feel. I've just been hurting them, while I was selfishly thinking of myself while saying it was for them. I have to do this." I said as I slowly closed my eyes to try and get some sleep.

The only thought on my mind was; 'I'm sorry.' As I slowly drifted off to sleep.


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