Mission Part 2

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Once we arrived at Shinjuku we all got out of the vehicle and gathered around Kureto.

"Alright. This is our final stop. Once we find this third and final book we can send both Y/N and Christina home. Is everyone prepared?" Kureto stated.

Everyone except for Guren nodded.

Guren just kept his eyes trained on me, as if looking for any signs of hesitation or doubt.

I could feel his stare pierce my soul and it sent a shiver down my body as I had a blush slightly tinting my cheeks.

My (H/C- Hair Color) hair flowing in the wind as the wind passed between us.

I felt as though there was a wall between us. One that is invisible yet indestructible at the same time and no matter how hard I try to knock it down; it won't budge in the slightest.

And we stood there staring at each other, I started to remember my childhood all those years ago in my world.


I was half asleep in my bed and my alarm was blaring in my ear for me to wake up.

I quickly put my pillow over my head to try and block out the sound.

Key word: try.

"Argh! What can a girl do to get some sleep!? Stupid alarm clock! Take this! Daro, daro, daro!" I yelled as I threw my phone onto my pillow in frustration.

I then noticed I had two messages from Christina.

I, of course, went to go read them right away.

Christina: "Y/N, it's boring at school without you. You should really hurry... T.T"

Christina: "Y/N. You're late again. I'm covering for you, but the teacher's getting suspicious. I would hurry."

My eyes widened and I quickly ran to the bathroom to go get changed into my uniform.

In five minutes I was out the door running with toast in my mouth and my bag and lunch in my hands.

I looked like the stereotypical anime school girl.


I rushed towards the classroom and opened the door in a hurry.

My hair flowing out of my face, because of the speed of me opening the door.

"Ms.L/N. Do you know what time it is? You're late by over an hour! I hope you have a good excuse..." The teacher said.

"Umm... Hi?" I said with an idiotic smile on my face.

The teacher just sighed.

"You're over an hour late and that's all you can say for yourself? God they don't pay me enough for this job... Well, it is what it is... Go on. Take your seat." The teacher said.

I quietly walked to my seat.


It was finally time for my favorite time of day.


I quickly went to where Christina sat.

"Let's go eat lunch together ChrisChris!" I said as I pulled her up to go sit at our favorite bench where we usually eat.


"ChrisChris, you have to try these! I made them myself! They're really good!" I said as she walked behind me and I put the food in her awaiting mouth.

"Good, right?" I asked her and she nodded

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"Good, right?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Hey, Y/N?" She said.

"Yeah?" I said with my face half stuffed with food.

"Did you get around to watching the anime I told you about? You know, Owari no Seraph." She asked me.

I quickly gulped down my food and spoke in an excited tone.

"Yeah, I did! I love it! I'm only on episode twelve, but I feel like I've known the characters my whole life! I especially love Guren! I feel I can relate to him the most... What about you? Who's your favorite character?" I asked her curiously.

"I like Mika..." She said blushing deeply.

"Ooh~!" I teased.

"H-hey! What's that supposed to mean?" She said embarrassed.

"Nothing, nothing..." I stated with a smile on my face.

She blushed an even darker shade of red and I laughed.

-Flashback end-

The wind continued to pass by us as we looked at each other.

Kureto's voice was the only thing that brought us back to reality.

"Just as before we will go in teams. The teams are the same as before. Everyone is to meet back here. Is that understood?" Kureto stated.

"Yes, sir."

Christina and I headed out searching together.


I ended up finding the book and I was about to head back to the meeting place where everyone was most likely waiting but my arm was grabbed by Christina.

"Y/N? Are you sure this is what you want?" Christina asked me.

"What do you mean? Of course this is what I want. We're going to go home! That was the end goal, wasn't it?" I said smiling at her.

But she saw through me.

"What about that look you gave Guren? That was a look of yearning." She said while looking me straight in the eye.

Her blue eyes were calculating with a serious look to them.

"You still love him, don't you?" She stated more than asked.

I froze.

She said the one thing I was trying to deny even to myself.

I didn't want anyone, not even myself, to know I still love Guren.

If I did, my resolve would crumble away like dust in a sand storm.

And I would never make it back home.

I looked down at the ground.

My (H/C- Hair Color) locks covering my eyes.

"You're right. I do still love Guren. I never stopped. I used Yuu's sudden proposal as a means to escape my feelings..." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm an awful person... To just use someone like that as a means of escape... I don't deserve to be in this world. I don't deserve them.  Especially Yuu... He deserves better. They all deserve better... You deserve better..." I said finally looking up at her with tears streaming down my face.

Her eyes went wide and she immediately hugged me.

"That's not true! Even if you say that, I'm sure everyone would want you in their life, because they need you just as much as I do! We all need you! So don't just go deciding we deserve better! Because you are the kindest and most trustworthy and irreplaceable person I know! And nothing you do will ever change that! Don't ever let yourself think otherwise!" She told me.

She let go of me and I wiped away my tears.

I smiled while looking up at her.

"Thank you, Christina." I said.

We then started making our way to the others, with the book in my hand, to regroup.


Everyone was already there before us, like always.

Kureto spoke up.

"I assume you found the book?" He stated.

I nodded and gave him the book.

"Alright. Let's start the process."


Wings of Hope (Owari no Seraph! Various! x Reader)- Angel's Sacrifice, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now