twenty four: michael to the rescue

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24: michael to the rescue
Iris Rose;

I sigh, and kick a pebble out of the way, as my feet continues to carry me far away, I step on a puddle the dirty water getting all over my shoes and jeans, and I sigh again. Jeez, I'm having such a bad day.

A car then zooms by and it runs over a huge puddle, the water splashing all over me. I was now soaked from head to toe, thanks to that inconsiderate asshole. I shoot my middle finger at the car, and shout at it. "Fuck you, dickhead!"

Strings of swear words leave my mouth as I pick my phone up, dialling a number that you wouldn't exactly expect me to call, the tone rings and I tap my foot impatiently. The water drips down my forehead, and now I'm creating a puddle of my own from my drenched clothing.

"Hello?" A voice spoke,

"Michael!" I exclaim,

"Oh, hey Iris. What's up?" He asks casually, and I roll my eyes at the thought of this horrible day, I just need to try and forget it all happened, and I know exactly how to forget this. Luckily, I was friends with a drug dealer.

"Got any drugs?"

*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

"What kind of drug dealer, doesn't have any drugs!" I say angrily, and Michael shrugs lightly, shoving his hands into his pockets as he leans against a tree.

"Currently out of stock, sorry." He apologises, giving me a sheepish grin while I shoot him an angry look. Great, when I first meet him he's fully stocked, and when I want to actually buy some, he's out of stock.

"You didn't want drugs when I first offered you, why the sudden change? Did Luke fuck you and leave? See, Iris. I told you he would do that, I'm trying to protect you and - " I groan and wave him off, not bothering to listen to him.

"No, Luke did not fuck me, nor did he leave me. But, drugs help you forget things right? And they make you happier?" I ask, and he shrugs again.

"Actually, alcohol will make you forget all the bad things, and washes all the awful things away, although it gives you a killer headache, it's worth it. Drugs, just boosts your mood, takes the stress away. So, are you stressed or do you want to forget something?" He asks, and I sigh sitting on a bench.

"I want to get rid of the bad taste that every awful person has left in my life, I don't really know. I just want to drink and forget, try to focus on being happy for once." I say quietly, lightly closing my eyes.

"Hey, what happened? You can talk to me, not only am I a drug dealer, but I'm a great listener, - and I sometimes help people get out of trouble with the police, but still, I give hella great advice." He says, shooting me a small smile. God, Michael Clifford really is a moodbooster.

"Well, my sister bitched me out for hanging out with Luke too much, and two weeks ago she complains that I stay in my room too much, now she gets mad at me for socialising? Besides, when I'm with Luke, he makes me feel - happy." I explain, saying the last part quietly.

Does Luke really make me happy? Do I really enjoy being with him? Or is my hormones just kicking in? But, it's true. He's always coming over to see me instead of Serena. Little does he know, that gesture just means so much. I may not show it, but I'm grateful for him.

"Okay, bitchy sisters are always a problem. Did she have a connection with him before?" He asks, as he joins to sit with me on the bench.

"Um, actually yes. They like had a one night stand, and that's how I met him. She also invited him to dinner before, and she never does that. Like, after she screws em' she leaves, for good. So, if she does a little thing, like invite him over for dinner that means she - "

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