twenty nine: ass

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29: ass
Iris Rose;

I ran away before he could say anything, it was clear that he thought I was Serena. His face said it all, the realisation hit him like a truck. And realisation sure as hell smacked me in the face too.

It soon became clear, that Luke did not care about me at all. I was actually dumb enough to think that he cared about me, that our meetings changed him. Jesus Christ, he can't even tell the difference between me and my sister.

Everybody can. I'm serious, we may have different personalities, but our looks aren't that identical. I hung out with Luke often, and I actually thought we were gonna become friends. Good friends.

But, no.

He fucked it up. Badly. He probably faked everything, his personality around me. Everything. I was another one of his victims, and I was too blind to fucking realise it. He probably just wanted to screw me and leave, why didn't I think of this earlier?

Because he was actually nice to me. Wanted to be around me, was always persistent to hang out with me. But, most importantly. He chose me over my sister. Sounds selfish, huh?

But, life as me sucks. Serena is always the spotlight, and I'm the shadow. So, having someone caring about me really means a whole lot. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

I was a puppet, and he was the puppeteer. Controlling my every move, being the master over me (not in a kinky way,) I knew he was bad news, I fucking knew it. But why did I continue being around him? Why did I not avoid him?


If, maybe, a month ago you asked me if I would ever fall for Luke Hemmings I would snort and shake my head, answering a definite no. But, now is different. I fell for him. There, I said it. I fell for Luke Hemmings.

He had a charm in him, that attracted girls. I don't know if it was his good looks, or his pearly smile, or the dimples. But he always seemed to attract girls.

Even someone like me. So, hearing that he screwed my sister twice broke me. Twice, can you believe it? They were fuck buddies, and did it behind my back. Hell, if I found out sooner maybe I would've prevented myself from falling for him.

But, of course. It's too late. I'm already running away from him, I'm already full on sobbing, I'm already on the verge of screaming.

Luke fucking Hemmings. He's the cause of all of this. Firstly, can't even tell the fucking difference between me and Serena, despite the numerous times we hung out. Then, fucking my sister behind my back.

What next? Killing every single puppy in the world?

I sound so dramatic, I hate it. I'm never like this. This is all so new, the first time I felt my world crash. The first time I can't even breath properly, from all this crying. The first time I fell for a boy (that's not fictional, or famous), the first time I let a boy fuck my feelings up.

Soon I'm at the place where I work. Why? I don't know. Instincts, probably. I take a deep breath, and wipe my tears away. Trying to hold in all these shaky sobs, I push the door open and to my relief there's nobody there.

Except, Ashton.

"Hey, Iris. How're - Woah, you okay pal?" He greets me smiling, until he noticed that I'm a crying mess. He walks over to me, and wraps his arms around me pulling me closer.

Then, I lost it. I let out a choked sob, and put my arms around his neck. His arms are wrapped tightly around me, as he rubs my back softly. His body is warm against my cold one. And I can tell you that Ashton Irwin's hugs are the best thing in this world.

"Hey, hey. What's happened, kiddo?" He says, as I pull away. Of course, his pet names towards me. Pal, kiddo, buddy, sugar, sweetheart. God, this list could go on and on. But, that's not important right now.

"W-wait," I stutter, as I walk to a nearby chair. I feel my knees wobble, and Ashton rushes over to my aide. One of his hands goes on my back, and the other goes on my arm guiding me to the chair.

I plop down on the chair, and lean back. Ashton sits across from me, and his hazel eyes stare at me with concern. I shut my eyes lightly, and try to focus on the good things.

"You wanna talk about it?" Ashton asks softly, and I let out a small sigh. Feeling tired after running and crying. I nod my head softly, and open my eyes as he continues staring at me, a small frown on his lips.

Weirdly, I couldn't say anything. Literally, I was still sad and angry at the situation. Luke was an ass, full stop. He was only using me for something, I don't know what he was using me for but I'll find out. He only hung around me to get something, again I don't know what he wanted to get. Even worse, I felt betrayed over my own sister and him. But, one word managed to leave my mouth.




everyone is confused with the previous chapter and that's good my plan is going great and hopefully the next chapter will make u all understand and if it still makes u confused i'll explain it or something

ok peace out girl scouts

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