Truth or dare

543 52 20

London, February 1

Shravan was dreading this night and the ongoing game. Every time the bottle was spun he held his heart. And the bottle turned to Violet, she chose truth. Flemming asked her to tell about her current crush as she was single. She was contemplating if she should say or not but then everyone forced her. She took his name: Professor Brian's new student assistant whom she was teamed up with for a project. Everyone cheered and some were teasing her when Shravan saw Eric's devilish smile and he knew something was up his sleeve. Then suddenly someone coughed from behind of Violet, "Are you Sure, Darling?"

"Tyler? You? I? That?" Violet was stuttering as she just unknowingly confessed her crush to the person himself.

"You should have told me." And with this he pecked her cheek and took her hand and brought her with him.

"You planned this?" Shravan asked Eric.

"Of course, I'm born cupid."

Then the bottle was spun again and it stopped at Jackson then Apple then some more. Someone was asked to lick someone else's shoe, while someone was asked to do pole dance solo etc.

Soon, the most dreaded moment arrived. The bottle stopped at Shravan and Jackson gave up the chance chase to ask to Eric. Eric Paxton gave his devilish smile to Shravan who still contemplating whether to chose truth or dare. He knew if he choose truth Eric was going to ask him about Sumo. Because since the day he heard her mame he has been pestering him. So finally he chose dare.

"Truth or dare, Shavan?"


"Finally. So give me your phone first then I'll tell what to do."

"What the hell are you planning, Eric?"

"I'm just going to get my gift. Remember you promised."


After tapping continuously for two three minutes, he gave him his phone back. Shravan saw on the screen "Hi" was written in some chat window which he didn't recognized. "

"What is this?"

"Its your Tinder App. I made your ID there and got you matched with an Indian girl."

"What the Halloween Eric? And why do my phone have a Tinder app in the first place?"

"I did my magic and it came there. And now listen, I did that for your boring life. For the love of Jesus, you don't even use the F word."

"But what's the dare, Eric? You did everything already." Said an exasperated Jackson. Because he knew if Shravan got to know he was also involved in this, he would be dead.

"The dare is to talk to this girl for a month. If you guys hit it, then continue and if not chuck out. And bro I've my eye on you."

"I'm not doing this."

"No can save you. Except this girl herself, if she responded in next three minutes, you're bound by your promise if not then I free you."

"You're my last hope, Ms. Chidiya."

"Oh its pronounced that way, I thought..." Jackson said but trailed off as he looked at him.

"Wait, Jackson you too."

"This was all planned by Eric. He only asked me to pass him to ask."

"Oh really?"


"She replied. "Bye"

"Now, you're gone Shravan."

"Arey but she said bye."

"Yeah she rhymed it with your Hi."

A/n:- Hey loveliest peoples! How's it?


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