You'll do No Such Thing

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"There is none?" Freya felt horror rising like a wave through her chest.

"How can there not be an answer?!" Alex demanded. "There's always an answer!"

"No, actually," the cat said calmly. "There's not."

"How can that be?" Freya echoed.

"Well, if you really want to know- Freya is right, it's morally correct to help when someone is in need. However, Alex is right, too, because disobeying the law and direct orders is wrong. Meaning you are both right and both wrong."

"Then-then whatever are we to do!" Freya slumped over the table. "Oh my word!"

"Oh, stop acting like a Victorian maiden whose husband died at sea," Alex snapped. Tibbs chulcked. "That was a good one."

Alex paused. "Thanks?"

"But- but human haven't been this stupid since we posion thier water spuly with Stupid Serum!" Freya protested.


"They need our help!"

"If they want to die, it's their own damn fault," Alex growled.

"Ooo- tension are rising," Tibbs said, announcer style. "But we still aren't solving the problem!"

"Right?!" Alex glared, but the argument had long slipped past Freya's mind.

"That's it," she breathed. "Bardumtus seri."

"Now you're just making things up," Tibbs said.

"Or Stupid Serum, yeah, what's your point?" Alex snapped.

"Easton did it!" Freya almost yelled. "That's why he didn't want to do anything! This is part of an experiment, but he didn't want me to-"

"Go psycho?"

"-To know, because the paper I published proved that experiments that hurt humans are bad for them, and therefore counter productive to our cause."

"Freya, nobody read that," Alex said gently.

"Actually, that's not true," said Tibbs.

"It's not?" Freya said eagerly.

"On second thought, no one important in the scientific community read it. Your mom was a big fan, though."

Freya sighed. "You know, if you had read the paper, you would know it focused on similarities between our social system and the human's. For example, in both cases, a brilliant mind is shunned because the strong power feels threatened."

"Is that you?"

"Well, I'm not brilliant, but my point is, Easton felt threatened! So he didn't tell the Dopomolian outbase- or me- about releasing Bardumtus seri on the humans in the middle of a pandemic!"

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Tibbs declared. "And I've heard literally everything in the universe. Let's do it!"

"Do what?" Alex laughed. "Save the humans from the Big Bad Dopomolian?"

From behind them, a sharp voice called: "You will do no such thing." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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