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[A/N: So I'll have several days in one chapter just to get the story moving along some and adding a few episodes into one chapter. XO Dani 🖤]

*Danielle's POV*


When my alarm went off I half wanted to shut it off and go back to sleep. Back to dreaming, or feeling like I was. As much as I wanted that I couldn't escape reality. I had a job and responsibilities to attend to. I sat up, stretched and reached for my phone.

I didn't have anything from anyone so I decided to send something cute and just slightly risqué to Opie to woke up to. I didn't think he'd roll out of bed for the next few hours so I had time to get to work and take my mind off of wanting him.

I got up, pulled out underwear and clothes before carrying everything with me to the living room where my vanity was set up.

I pulled out my products and did my make up quickly since I wasn't doing anything too heavy. After I finished my make up I got dressed, grabbed my purse, keys and a jacket as I headed out the door.

I stopped for coffee and made it in time to pull in just as the head pharmacist was unlocking the security gate.

He saw me getting out of my car and said, "good morning Danielle."

"Good Morning Neil." I returned in greeting.

"Did you enjoy your weekend?" He asked as we walked into the pharmacy.

"Yeah, I did actually. We had my grandmother's birthday party and I met up with a few friends." I replied.

"That sounds like a wonderful weekend." He smiled.

If the old man only knew how wonderful it really was.

The other two pharmacy techs arrived and we got into full swing of our daily work process.


By lunch I was actually ready to go home but I had a few more hours to toughen on through. I decided to go see my favorite tattoo artist with the stencil of the Old Lady tattoo in my purse.

I walk into his shop and I felt at home. I rung the bell and waited.

"Hold on to your knickers. I'm coming." I heard the Irishman yell from the back.

"I would if I could reach them." I retorted.

"Dani! Where ya been luv?" My tattoo artist Collin yelled.

"Working. I haven't had any new ideas for a while but I do now." I replied.

He came into the front of the shop and around the counter to hug me.

I was still shocked each time I saw him since he looked more like a model than a tattoo artist but looks can be deceiving.

"So what can I do for you this time?" He asked.

"I have this that I want to be put on me." I replied pulling the stencil out of my purse.

I handed it over and he looked at it and up at me.

"You're with someone in SAMCRO?" He asked.

"Yeah, how do you know who SAMCRO is?" I questioned.

"I have a cousin back home in Belfast in SAMBEL, their Irish charter." He replied.

"Oh, I didn't know that. Mostly because I don't really know much about the club other than what I've heard from my aunt and rumors and speculation over the years living in Charming." I admitted.

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