4. tell me pt. 1

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"jojo look!" kakyoin smiled, taking his sunglasses off, showing his scars. "pretty cool huh?" the raven haired male smiled in awe. "they are beautiful nori" both of there faces flushed.

not to long later. the raven haired male heard the worst words possible"we have retrived the body of kakyoin noriaki" everything stopped. "no.. nori NORI NO PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!" he sobbed, grabing the lifeless bodys hand. "don't leave me.." the speedwagon foundation pulled kakyoin away, as the male sobbed, and sobbed. he already missed his smile. his laugh. he already missed, the love of his life.


"remember me?"

the raven haired male knew that voice. he turned around slowly. not ready to see it was all just a dream, that it wasn't real. but it was, he was here. "n.. nori?" his voice high piched. the red haired male smiled, "yeah.. its me jota.. its me" jotaro couldn't hold it any longer. he ran over to the red head, pulling him into an embrace, holding him, like he would go away again. "nori.." he started sobbing. kakyoin, doing the same, they missed eachothers warmth. the raven haired male let go, looking into his eyes. "nori.. im so sorry" kakyoin only smiled his kind smile, the one jotaro fell inlove with all those years ago.

"jota, it wasn't your fault.." 

he saved him so many times, 

he died for him twice,

but always came back

"h.. how are you?" kakyoin laughed slightly, "jota..dont worry about that right now" jotaro smiled slightly, taking his hat off, and placing it on kakyoin. "h-huh?" kakyoin blushed from the suddon action. 

"I missed you" tears escaped jotaros eyes. kakyoin smiled once more"i missed you to" 

"please don't leave me again" 

(ill continue it later im writing this at 2:58 in the morning, sorry for errors)

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