Preparations and Departure

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"There are other worlds?" I asked, bewildered. "Of course. You know about Wonderland," Headmaster Grimm replied. "Right. Sorry..." I mumbled. "Don't be sorry! Anyway, this world is special. You will have to learn an entire new culture to fit in, which is precisely why I'm sending you there." He stated. "Umm, how long will I be there?" "Six months." I gasped. "S-six months?!" "Yes, you heard correctly," he continued, "six months. That is just enough time for you to learn a lesson." I squinted, confused, and stuttered, "What kind of lesson...?" "To help you rule a kingdom!" I grinned. I don't see how leaving home for six months will help me rule a kingdom, but if it helped my destiny, of course I'll do it!

"When do I leave?" I asked excitedly. "Today! As soon as we prepare you." Leaving today?! "What about saying goodbye to my friends and family?!" I cried. "That would be too emotional. We don't want you arriving with a tear stained face, that would make a bad impression." I pushed my black framed glasses up my nose. "However, there are goodbye notes from everyone in the provided trip bag." "Oh... Umm, okay. What else does the bag have in it?" I asked. "Everything you need to get started safely." I stood up in shock. "I'll be on my own?!" "Well, of course. You're studying abroad." He replied nonchalantly. "Now, come over here," he instructed.

I walked to where Headmaster Grimm was. He reached into a deep drawer behind his desk, and pulled out a backpack. It was a beautiful red, with clear glittery apples dotting it. The top had a bright green leaf sticking out, next to a brown handle. "Oh, wow! This is fableous! Is it for me?" I asked. "Of course. This is your trip bag. You must carry it at all times. The only things I can tell you it contains are your instructions and everything you need to start off. No peeking until you get there!" I laughed and grabbed the bag, slinging it over my shoulders. "Now, I need to take a few things from you. For security," "Oh, umm, alright," I replied nervously. "Please hand over your MirrorPhone, dorm keys, student ID, and any money and credit cards you have." I fumbled in my pockets, pulling out the items and dropping them on the headmaster's desk. "What are you gonna do with them?" I asked worriedly. "Don't worry, we will lock them in a special safe until you return." I sighed in relief.

"Now, time for your departure. Follow me to the Wishing Well." Headmaster Grimm instructed, and I followed him out the door.

We walked outside to the Wishing Well portal. I hated traveling by Wishing Well. It was cold and dark and... Ugh. We stood in front of the grey stone circle. "One last thing before you go," the headmaster said. I held onto my backpack straps. "Once you arrive, you may look through your bag. Read the starting instructions after. You already know the basics of traveling by Wishing Well, but by law I must repeat them. Keep your arms and legs close to your body for the first five minutes to ensure you are past the walls and to avoid injury. Secure all loose articles. No food , no drinks, and no gum. Got it?" "Yes." "Great! Then off you go, Apple!" "Wait! Will I be able to talk to everyone while I'm gone?" "Of course. You will find instructions for that in your travel bag. Now, get into departing position!"

I shakily stepped up to stand on the wall of the well. I could see the blue misty portal wall, disguised as water. I wrapped my arms around my chest, and took a deep breath. You can do this, Apple...

And suddenly I was pushed in.

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