If Somehow|(3/4)TANJIROU x Depressed! Reader[ANGST]

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If Somehow|(4/4)TANJIROU x Depressed! Reader[ANGST]

[Reader's Point of View]

"Do you even know? Things are very funny, isn't it?" I giggled as I stared at the dark blue night sky with the remnants of stars shining from above along with the moon itself.

"What do you mean (Y/N)-san?"

"When we were just strangers then we became this close only for a month." I answered.

"Oh, that? I guess you're right about that." He giggled.

"The moon is quite lovely tonight, don't you think?" I said, staring at the beautiful yet full moon.

"So, (Y/N)-san."


"I'm going to go now, thank you so much!" He smiled.

'Oh, okay then.'

I was left on my own once again which felt strange yet familliar then I remembered a little bit of my past.

'Hello darkness, my old friend.'

Even on my own, I let out at a sad smile reaching my hands out at the moon. I felt bored and sad without his presence even it's for a while, I clenched my fists as I slowly walk out by the area.

'Great, another opportunity missed.'


I then headed down back into my room as I wore my favorite patterned kimono, getting myself ready for my sleep for the night.

I jumped at the bed, then felt tired.

'Looks like I might try to tell him what I feel tomorrow, after all, he might as well start his new mission soon.'

'I hope you're going to have a good night, Tanjirou.'


I yawned as I woke up from my deep slumber which felt like eternity then greeted by the rising sun ahead on the window.

'Good morning! Another precious day to come!'

I let out a weak smile as I arranged my clothings and my hair, wearing another beautiful patterned kimono throughout this whole day.

'I must tell him how I feel right now! Don't be a scaredy cat!' I thought with a determined look, clenching my fists as a sign of courage.

Someone then knocked at the door of my room.

"Feel free to open the door."

As the door went opened, my eyes widened at the sight of the burgundy haired male wearing his checkered black-and-sea-foam-green haori his white robe and black pants.

I was caught off guard, I felt embarrassed and flustered at the sight of him.

'Damn, I didn't even yet took a bath.'

"Oh, good morning Tanjirou!" I greeted. "What brings you here at my place?"

"Well uh, I really wanted to say thank you for everything (Y/N)-san. I really appreciate your help and assistance throughout the past few months!" He smiled with courage plastered in his face resembling a determined look.

"Oh my," I chuckled. "You'd really came by here to tell that? Why did you came here though?"

"Well, Inosuke, Zenitsu and I are going on a mission for today! And-I really wanted to bid my farewell to you!"

"Okay, thank you Tanjirou-kun, that's really kind of you." I said with a smile lingering a bit of kindness.

'So, he's going to go for a mission today.' I felt sad by the thought. 'Should I-I really confess my sentiments right now?'

Nervousness then surged through the every single inch of my body reaching up by my fingernails, my mind itself fighting whether I should confess or not-but then, a voice interrupted.


"Zenitsu?" I asked under my breath.

"Oops, Zenitsu might be needing my help right now (Y/N)-san, let out paths meet again!" He says as he rushed.

Dissapointment Level: Infinity :^)

"T-Tanjirou, wait!" I mumbled but it was too late.

'Fate really hates me, this sucks and I hate it.' I thought. 'But he WILL still have little bit of time before leaving, and I think, I MUST.'


"Aoi-san, have you seen Tanjirou?" I asked as she handles bunch of clothes.

"I did. He just left a while ago-he might be going to talk with Tsuyuri-san right now." She answered.

'Kanao Tsuyuri, but why would he?'

...And then what I feared the most, happened.


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