If Somehow|(4/4)TANJIROU x Depressed! Reader[ANGST]

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(4/4)TANJIROU x Depressed! Reader[ANGST]- If Somehow

[Reader's Point of View]

Weeks have passed since after the death of the Flame Pillar; Kyoujuro Rengoku-and I mourned, respected him since he was a great swordsmen.

A-And I, I went on missions since I'm also a demon slayer-not to get stronger, but to avoid him by the time being, I felt scared and discouraged by the sight I've seen, he was with Tsuyuri Kanao, holding her hands.

I heard something shattered and I feared it, my past self then returned then-it was unsettling, I want to stop what I felt... That's what I'm doing right now, I need tons of space... by going through tough missions, as a demon slayer I am.

There were roarings by the left, the demon glared at me with its cold yet bloodshot eyes, based from its smell, it has killed and eaten lots of human.

At the next moment, it lunges through the mid-air, in attempt to devour my flesh. "(Breath Name) (Form)!" I screamed as I positioned my blade, jumping high then severes the head of the demon as it fell onto the ground disintegrating into ashes.

"Destroy the evil demons." I muttered laying down the ground unscathed.

As I sheathe my blade, the Kasugai Crow then flies on top of me in circles. "That was the fifth and seemingly the last demon at this area! Go back at the Demon Slayers' Headquarter!"

"Total kills of demon so far; twenty one plus those five, equal into twenty six! From Kanoe rank, you're now promoted to Tsuchinoto!"

"Good to know."

It was already dusk as I reached the Demon Slayers' Headquarter, I took a deep breath as I reached the entrance greeted by the other slayers, I nodded as a greeting then walks on my way to the Butterfly Estate.

I heard noises and blood curdling screams of a similar voice at the far off distance seeing Zenitsu whining mixing with Inosuke's screaming, then I noticed Tanjirou was being off than usual-the poor boy had a neutral expression, probably deep in his own thoughts.

'What is he thinking-' I knocked and doze the thought, wanting to get a checkup from Miss Kocho in cases of broken bones.


"You're quite fine (L/N)-san! I'm quite amazed that you've fought demons without getting major or even minor injuries!" The girl complimented with her usual smile as I held a neutral expression.

"But, hey... I'm worried about you." She changed the subject, my eyes widening for her words. "Is there anything bothering you (L/N)-san? I'm all ears."

I felt tears from my face not noticing I was already crying. "The world is really unfair." I started. "You know Kocho-san, I-I recently found someone to treasure then I realized that certain person wouldn't love me back."

"How can you say that?"

"I feel it and I see it right with my eyes-I'm feeling scared at the way he looks at her! I'm scared and I don't know what to do! My heart itself is broken and yet IT'S-" My voice cracks from emotions, her eyes saddened from my sudden confession, letting out few coughs, having a slight difficulty in breathing.

"(Y/N)-san?" I heard a familliar voice, and met a pair of deep, dark ruby eyes staring at me. I wiped all of my tears, deciding to leave in frustation, sadness and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Kocho-san, I shouldn't have let you involve with my situation anyway, thank you for your time!" I said, coldly leaving the room ignoring the male by the door.

If somehow,
I forgot the world and who I am today
Could I sleep?
Would the tears I cry all dry and fall away?
But we can't wish on stars to part from who we are
It's all we are
Please don't try anything

"Hey, (Y/N)-san. Why are you crying? Is anything bothering you-"

"Don't DAMN ASK! STOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, giving the male almost a heart attack.

"(Y/N)-san, please tell me."

"Why!? Isn't it obvious!? I've given you a hundreds of signs that I'm in love with you yet you DON'T FUCKING NOTICE!" I screamed, almost voice cracking, catching the attention of the other Demon Slayers who shockingly reacted at the turn of events.

"(Y/N)-san, you're in love with me? But I-"

"I KNOW! I KNOW!" I cut him off. "You're already in love with someone else judging from your movements, you already gave your heart to someone-don't stare at me like you DON'T! I ALREADY HAVE ACCEPTED THAT! But what I DON'T is that the FUCKING FACT that you won't return the love I've given!"

His eyes stared at me with tears, obviously not out of pity, but sadness.

"Good, you now noticed my feelings, I'm sorry for my outburst." I cried washing of my tears.

"(Y/N)-san, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The male apologized as he attempted to give me a hug then I moved back.

"Tanjirou, you don't need to apologize, it was my own mistake to fall in love with someone who won't..."

"...you don't deserve me and that probably goes the same for you, after all, my heart is only what I can give."


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