Sorry|GIYU x Dying! Reader[ANGST]

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Sorry|GIYU x Reader[ANGST]

[Reader's Point of View]

"Looks like you're getting weak from much blood lost, it wouldn't be too long for me to feast on your flesh!" The demon hissed at my direction, giving away a smirk.

My body shivered from the cold winter air—grasping my sword tightly with both of my hands, the demon began moving again, dashing forward in an incredible speed, I backed away gathering my breath. "Breath of Water; Fourth Form: Striking Tide!"

I screamed, twisting my body as the demon itself lunged itself, his hands both severed from my attack—but regenerated at the blink of an eye, the demon smile's widened as it scratches my face with his sharp nails, caught off guard—it kicks me by the chest, causing shockwaves to flow into my body with cracking sounds.

"Ahh!" I screamed as my body hits the ground, unable to breath freely, blood started to fall down by my face from the scratches, it wasn't to deep but it was painful—really painful.

"I'm gonna slaughter you badly!"

'Reverse card; activated.'

I flew up in the air, catching the demon itself off guard. I coughed so bad by the moment that blood came out but that won't stop me. I gathered my composure—"Tenth Form—"

"Constant Flux!" I rotated my body, causing a swirling motion—the demon stared at me, shock lingering by the air.

"Impossible! How did you—"

Numerous slices were heard upon the air as blood splashes down the area, the demon itself looked at me with shocked, unable to notice his position, he was standing—then his head slowly dropped in a constant motion.

Soon enough, the demon disintegrated into ashes.

The pain surged through my whole body again as I let out a cry. I felt numbness that I layed down on the door with the cold white snow.

'I've won, but at what cost?'

Unable to move freely, my eyes locked at the darkened sky with snow falling by the ground.

I let out faint breaths.

"I'm going to die here, aren't I?"

I let out a sad giggle, unsure of what to do in my dying breaths.

Then I heard a voice not too far away.


My eyes slithered at the left, seeing a tall yet lean familliar figure, my eyes blurred at the second. "Giyu-san." I softly mumbled.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm very sorry that I didn't arrived earlier! Here, let me help you—" I cut him with a gentle smile.

"It's okay, you don't need to, after all, I knew that I'm going to die here."

"No, you won't!" The male screamed surprising me entirely, the cold man who I admired so much is at by my side crying hysterically.

"Why're you crying?"

The male didn't answered as he held my seemingly cold hands.

"I d-don't want you to die, (Y/N)!"

"As much as I don't want to, I'm dying, save your tears—"

"(Y/N)-san!" He stubbornly screamed as he started carrying my body.

"Hey, stop doing this, as I said, I'm going to die here—"

The male leaned closer, giving me a soft kiss by the lips for shutting me up, my eyes widened as I felt hundreds of butterflies by my stomach, my face looked flustered from the raven haired man's act, turning into a hundred shades of pink.

"What did you just do! Idiot!" I scolded as I looked away from him, the guy let out a giggle.

"Who gave you permission to kiss me like that?" I asked as he continued to dash far away.

"No one did," He said. "I'm just gonna kiss my future bride."

"Wait!? What the hell Giyu Tomioka!? What's wrong with you!? You're not that cold yet annoying guy I know, why are you acting so different right now!?"

"To reassure you, my dear."

I let out a sigh.

"Giyu, I-I wanted to talk to you r-right now, d-do you really feel that way about me?" I asked covering my face with my blood covered haori.

"Of course, sorry for blurting it out all of the sudden but I don't know when to say it but I did now anyway."

"I-I don't think I deserve your love then, I think you deserve better.'

"B-baka! You're all I need, I've just realized that you're the one that I need with for my whole life."



'Giyu I-I, I'm surprised by your words right now but I don't think I deserve you, you DESERVE BETTER. You need someone else and not me,'

I stared at his face with a determined expression. "What are you staring at?"

'—I'm all weak, I barely defeated that demon. This is what I think, it really hurts me, pains me deep inside but that's the TRUTH.'

"(Y/N)-san, I felt the Kakushis' prsence nearby. You're going to be safe sooner then."

At the last moment, I stared at him, feeling sadness and pity.

"The world is cruel isn't it?"


My eyes felt tired, my body felt completely numb—the beat of my heart getting slower by second and my corpse getting cold. I let out a faint smile.

"Giyu, live your l-life and love someone else."


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